Page 53 of Bought: One Bride

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Holly could not think of a thing to say as shock warred with sympathy for Richard. How dreadful to discover that the person you loved was so…sick. She’d been shattered when Dave had dumped her for Katie. What if she’d been married to Dave and discovered he’d been sleeping around like a tom-cat and had made some other girl pregnant?

“Oh, Richard,” she said at last, feeling truly sorry for him.

Holly was appalled when tears glistened in his eyes.

“Don’t cry, Richard,” she pleaded. “Please don’t cry.”

“I’m not crying for her, Holly. Let the devil take her. I’m sure he has. But I feel like crying over losing you,” he choked out. “You have no idea how much I love you.”

“Do you, Richard? Do you, really?”

“More than words can say. You brought me back from the edge of darkness. You gave me hope for a future. You showed me that love doesn’t have to be selfish.”

“Then why did you buy the shop?”

He shook his head. “It was a mistake. I’d just found out from Kim how truly wicked Joanna was and I was afraid for my sanity. I needed you, Holly. Needed your warmth and your kindness. And, yes, the comfort of your body. I was too blind with bitterness to see that my feelings for you had already deepened to love. It wasn’t till I saw that car coming towards you a little while ago that the truth hit me. I do realise that you will still find it hard to forgive me. But give me another chance, Holly. You must feel something for me. Maybe, one day, you might learn to love me.”

“I don’t think so, Richard,” she said quietly. When she picked up the ring and slipped it back onto her finger, his head snapped back with shock.

Her smile was soft and loving. “You see, I’ve been in love with you for quite a while, my darling,” she said, reaching over to take one of his hands in hers.

His eyes filled with tears again, and this time she wasn’t appalled. There was something about a man who could cry over her that was very lovable indeed.


“THANK you so much for giving me away, Melvin,” Holly said sincerely.

“My pleasure, sweetie,” Melvin replied.

Holly thought he was the sweetie. He was such a nice man. So kind and considerate. Melvin and Mrs Crawford had surprised everyone by tying the knot whilst they were overseas. But they’d been home for a few weeks now and Holly had never known a happier couple.

Not counting herself and Richard, of course, she amended with a sigh. They were so happy together, even more so since she’d found out last month that she was expecting a baby. Already, Richard had given Reece the job of finding them the right family home. No way, he said, was he going to raise a child of his in a penthouse.

“Not nervous, are you?” Melvin whispered as he took her arm.

“Just a little,” Holly returned. The day so far had been somewhat nerve-racking, trying to get everything right, making sure she looked as good as she could possibly look.

“No reason to be,” he said, and patted her arm. “You look divine. And you’re marrying a fine man.”

Holly had no doubts about that. But she still felt a bit jittery as she glanced up the aisle.

Her eyes landed first on Alanna and Sara, who were slowly making their way towards the front of the church, both of them looking extremely svelte and elegant in red. Their long satin dresses were the same colour as the bouquet of red roses Holly was holding, a sentimental choice because of the way she and Richard had met.

Her bridesmaids’ bouquets, however, were of white roses, matching Holly’s dazzlingly white gown. She hadn’t wanted to wear cream or ivory. Her satin gown was also not straight, like theirs, but had a traditionally large skirt, gathered out from a tightly boned bodice that showed her hourglass figure. The neckline was wide and low, the sleeves long and tight. Her tulle veil stretched out into a train, seeded with small pearls around the edges.

Alanna and Sara had said she looked like a princess. But what they thought didn’t really matter. All Holly really cared about was what Richard thought of her.

Her agitated gaze finally reached the three men standing up near the priest who was to conduct the ceremony.

Each one of them looked very handsome in their black dinner suits, even Mike, who’d scrubbed up remarkably well after a shave and a haircut. He really was an unusual man. Very intense, with a darkly brooding nature, which could be interesting, if you liked that kind of thing.

Fortunately Sara, who was partnering him today, wasn’t one of those women who’d taken an instant fancy to him. Her husband wouldn’t have been too pleased if she had.
