Page 54 of Bought: One Bride

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Reece, of course, looked as glamorous as usual. He and Alanna would always be a striking couple. Holly had finally warmed to Reece, and she really liked Alanna, who’d taken her under her wing and been such a help with all the wedding preparations, which had been considerable.

Finally, Holly allowed her eyes to move over to Richard, who was looking absolutely gorgeous but just a little nervous too, she thought with a relieved smile.

No one else would have noticed. They would just see a tall, handsome man with steely grey eyes and a dignified expression.

But Holly knew him better than anyone by now. His hands were clasped just a little too tightly together down in front of him for true composure. And his lips were pressed into a firm line as well.

She liked it that he loved her so much that he would be nervous on his wedding day. Richard was not a man who ever showed nerves.

Holly suspected she would never see him cry again, as he had that day in Tasmania. But the memory of that day would always stay with her. Thinking of it right now reassured her.

Richard loved her. Truly loved her. Her, Holly Greenaway.

You would have liked him, Dad, she whispered in her mind as she walked up the aisle to marry the man she loved.

Mrs Crawford beamed at her from where she was sitting in the front pew, looking amazingly young in lemon silk.

They hadn’t told her about the baby yet, but she was going to be thrilled when she found out. But not as thrilled as Holly.

She was going to have a baby. She and Richard were going to be a family. Holly’s heart turned over with happiness. She hadn’t been part of a family for so long.

Finally, Alanna moved away from the aisle to the side and Richard had a clearer view of his bride.

He sucked in sharply.

“I admit I was wrong, Rich,” Reece murmured by his side. “She’s definitely the girl for you.”

“Too young for him, I reckon,” Mike muttered, and Reece jabbed him in the ribs.

Mike grunted. “Okay, okay, she does love him. I can see that. Even worse, I think he loves her.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Reece said sharply.

“Hush up, you two,” Richard commanded. “I’m getting married here.”

Really married this time, he thought as his lovely Holly reached his side. This is the real thing. This is real love.

His heart squeezed tight as he reached out his hand to her. She smiled as she took it, a warm, loving smile that made him relax for the first time that day.

“You look incredible,” he whispered, still in awe of her. “Exquisite.”

“Thank you,” she whispered back.

I should be thanking you, my darling, he thought as they turned to face the priest together. For loving me. And forgiving me. And trusting me again.

I won’t ever let you down, he promised her silently as the priest started talking about the sacredness of marriage. I will protect you with my life. And I will love you to my dying day…
