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‘What? Oh, yes, yes. Very nice. Now, let’s go.’

Jess and Leanne exchanged rolling eyes which told it all. Jess decided if her father ever said she just looked nice on her wedding day she would throttle him.

Thinking of her own future wedding day thoroughly distracted Jess as they made their way from the house over to the rose garden, making her only dimly aware of her surrounds. She’d done her best to put a halt to her escalating feelings for Ben during the hours she’d spent with him earlier on, focusing on the physical and not the emotional. But her heart had been as impossible to control as her body. It had soared every time she’d touched him. But it had been performing oral sex on him which had been the killer. She had loved the way he’d lost control under her mouth and hands. He hadn’t wanted to, she was sure. But he’d seemed as powerless to stop himself as she’d been. Not that that meant anything. She wasn’t that naïve.

They’d used the only remaining condom in no time, with a still turned-on Jess eventually offering to go and get the condom she kept in her bag which was in the other bedroom. Ben had followed her there, pulling her down onto the rug by the bed where he’d taken her on all fours, squeezing her nipples as she came. It was the first time in her life that she’d had sex that way and she’d loved it, giving rise to the hope that she wasn’t falling in love, just suffering from an intense case of lust.

Ben had been wrong about their not actually sleeping. When he’d carried her back to bed after that rather rough mating on the floor, she’d passed out, not waking till Ben had started shaking her shoulder.

‘Oh, Lord!’ she’d exclaimed, sitting bolt upright and pushing her tangled hair out of her eyes. ‘What time is it?’ Ben was dressed, she’d immediately noted. Not in what he would be wearing at the wedding. Just jeans and a top.

‘Shortly before two-thirty. Andy will be here any moment. You said you had to do your hair.’

Jess had grimaced. ‘I’ll have to shampoo it again. It’s a mess.’

Just then there’d been a knock on the front door, Andy calling out as he’d opened it and walked into the hallway. Panicked, Jess had grabbed a sheet to cover herself, Ben unable to get to the open doorway in time before Andy had been standing in it.

‘Oh, sorry,’ Andy had said hurriedly on seeing an obviously naked Jess in the bed. ‘I’ll…er…wait for you outside, Ben.’

‘No sweat.’ He’d turned to throw Jess an apologetic glance. ‘Sorry about that, my darling. See you at the wedding.’

Jess recalled that her heart had turned over at his calling her his darling. It turned over again when she caught sight of him standing with Andy at the end of the strip of red carpet which had been rolled out between the rows of decorated seats. No doubt the groom and the other groomsman looked almost as good as Ben in their black dinner suits. But Jess didn’t see anyone or anything else but him, smiling at her. Talk about tunnel vision!

Some taped wedding music started up and she floated down the makeshift aisle, unaware of the admiring whispers from the guests, aware of nothing but Ben’s eyes upon her.

Bloody hell, Ben thought as Jess walked slowly towards them. She is just so damned desirable!

‘You are one lucky guy, mate,’ Andy murmured out of the side of his mouth. ‘That is one hot babe.’

‘You ought to talk,’ Ben managed to whisper back when the bride finally came into view. But he hardly noticed Catherine or heard the ceremony. He just went through the motions, producing the rings on cue, thankful that it was a relatively short service. He could not wait to be alone with Jess again.

His first opportunity to speak to her was at the signing of the register which they did to one side after Catherine and Andy had been declared man and wife.

‘You look very pretty in pink,’ he whispered as he passed her the pen. ‘But I prefer you in nothing.’

He noticed her hand trembling as she signed her name. It excited him, the way he could turn her on like that. She wasn’t like other girls he’d slept with. She seemed less experienced and more capable of being surprised. That, in itself, was very arousing. The temptation to push her sexual boundaries was acute, especially since she was obviously a highly sexed girl. She’d loved going down on him. He’d loved it too. It worried Ben, though, the tendency he had to lose control with her on occasion.

Next time, he would not let that happen. Ben had a penchant for erotic fun and games, first sparked when he’d had an affair with an older woman during his university days. She’d been a mature student who liked being dominated in bed, teaching Ben all there was to know about such role playing. Ben had enjoyed playing lord and master to the hilt. He still did. Ben already had an idea in mind for tonight, an idea which he hoped Jess would go along with. He felt pretty sure that she would.
