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Damn, but it was going to an excruciatingly long evening!

* * *

Jess could not believe how long the evening proved to be. The photos had been tedious, as had the serving and eating of the three-course meal. It wasn’t till coffee and cheeses were served that Ben finally stood up to make the best man speech.

He didn’t look at all nervous. Which irritated her. Perhaps because it underlined how confident a person he was. Which was perverse. Hadn’t she told him she liked confident men?

She actually didn’t mind liking Ben. She would never have had sex with him if she hadn’t liked him. She just didn’t want to fall in love with him.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Ben began. ‘Firstly, let me thank you all for coming here today to celebrate Andy’s marriage to Catherine who, might I say, is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.’

Not just confident, Jess thought ruefully, but a silver-tongued charmer.

‘For those who don’t know me personally, you might be wondering what a chap with an American accent is doing as Andy’s best man. Trust me when I say I might sound like a Yank, but if you scratch the surface you will find an Aussie through and through.’

Cheering from the guests.

‘Andy and I go way back. He was my best friend all through boarding school and then through law school. He was always there for me. Always. And I love him. Sorry, Andy, I know you don’t like mushy. Now, I know it is traditional to embarrass the groom by telling stories of things he got up to in his pre-wed life, but I have struggled to think of anything which Andy ever did which was stupid or reckless. Of course, I have been living in the US of A for the past ten years, so perhaps a few potential slip-ups have eluded me. I did hear a rumour that when he was in France he burnt the candle at both ends, so to speak.’

Laughter from the guests.

Ben smiled. ‘But I do not believe a word of it. From what I saw last night at Andy’s stag party, his candle is still in full working order.’

More laughter from the guests. And a horrified glance from the bride.

‘Just kidding, Catherine. Andy’s was the best behaved stag party I have ever attended. On a serious note, folks, believe me when I say that Andy is the most sensible, smartest man I have ever known. It’s testimony to his brain power that he has chosen such a lovely girl as Catherine as his life partner. They are a well-matched couple who love each other dearly. Such love is a precious gift, one which should be treasured. And protected. And toasted. So, will you please all be upstanding and charge your glasses…’

Everyone obeyed, especially Jess, who had been moved by the last part of Ben’s speech. Love was indeed precious, especially true love. Colin hadn’t truly loved her. As for Ben… No point in going there!

‘To Andy and Catherine,’ Ben said loudly as he held up his own glass.

All the guests repeated his words as they clinked glasses and drank.

Jess did likewise, then sat back down, feeling suddenly drained. More speeches followed and, finally, Andy stood up to speak. He did not have Ben’s gift of the gab, or the same smooth delivery, but what he said was sweet and touching. It actually brought tears to Jess’s eyes, which she had to blink back swiftly when he proposed a toast to the bridesmaids, explaining how Jess had had to step in at the last moment and how grateful they were to her.

Jess sat there, her right hand fingering the lovely silver and diamond pendant Andy had given the bridesmaids earlier. Catherine had received a magnificent pair of diamond-drop earrings. When Jess had insisted to Catherine that they give her pendant to Krissie afterwards, Catherine had said no, she and Andy would buy Krissie something special for the baby when it came.

They really were a very nice couple. And, yes, very much in love. Jess couldn’t help envying them their happiness. She was no longer pleased that Ben planned to stay in Australia a little longer. She knew the score. He wanted hot sex with her after which he would wing his way back to New York and forget she ever existed. And by then, she could very well be left behind with a broken heart.

Common sense demanded she have no more to do with Ben after this weekend was over. But common sense was no match for the sexual heat which had been charging through her veins ever since they’d signed the marriage certificate together. A few hot words whispered in her ear and she had almost combusted on the spot. Her still-erect nipples burned as they pressed against the satin lining of her dress, her belly tight with sexual tension. She couldn’t wait for this reception to be over so she could be with Ben again. She could not wait!
