Page 25 of Hard To Love

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“Yes ?” He smirked. As hard as it was, I refrained from rolling my eyes at him.

“Can you get me in?” I pressed my hands together,

begging. “I have been trying to reach Cassie, but she isn’t picking—”

He interjected, “not my problem.” He craned his neck looking back at the girls he arrived with.

I continued to beg. “Mason, come on, please.” My shoulders slumped. It took all my willpower to not smack that smirk off his face. Then he had the gall to point to his cheek as if I should give him a kiss. My head jerked back and I crossed my arms, glaring at him. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want me to slap you in front of everyone?”

He leaned in close and whispered, “I guess you’re not that desperate to get in here, are you?” His grin disappeared. “Offer expires in three…two—” With all my energy and strength I held back the anger and slowly leaned in to kiss his cheek. Then at the last second he turned his head and our lips connected. I gasped and backed up.

“Jerk,” I said under my breath, feeling ashamed, our eyes still locked. He smirked and licked his bottom lip seductively, biting down as he continued to stare me down. I was startled by the voice that came up behind me.

“Still trying to pay for affection, Mason,” said a man in a black suit, as he approached us.

My eyes blinked. Then I watched as he handed the bouncer money, then glanced over at Mason. The first thing I noticed was his amazing blue eyes. I couldn’t believe the genetics in this town.

Did anyone in this town have any other colour eyes, other than blue?

“Nick.” Mason spun around on his heel. This Nick guy glanced over Mason’s shoulder at me. “Alone again?” He sneered.

“She’s with me,” Nick told the bouncer, then held out his hand. Nervously, I walked around Mason and took Nick’s hand. He smirked and wagged his brow at Mason, then opened the door for me. The two bimbos waiting for Mason stood there watching. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. As soon as we were through the doors, Nick walked ahead of me. I tried to keep his pace.

“I don’t understand why you would degrade yourself like that.” He looked down at me, frowning.

“Excuse me!” I gulped, feeling stupid. We walked down the stairs to the main floor he caught the attention of George, the bartender.

“Mason isn’t influential enough to pull that shit off. Why would you do that?” He shook his head in disgust.

“I—I—” I was at a loss for words. As much as Mason made me feel insignificant, this guy made me feel worthless. I choked back my tears and tried to defend my actions. “The bouncer didn’t remember me, and Cassie, my friend, was not answering her phone.”

“So you resort to sexual favours just to get into a club,” he scoffed shaking his head.

“Wow, I’m sorry—who the hell are you?” I shouted, getting in his face.

“Oh, so you do have a backbone. Good to know,” he said with a wink followed with a smirk, an awfully familiar smirk. As I glared at him, I suddenly realized who he reminded me of—Mason.

“You must be Mason’s brother.” I scoffed and stepped back, folding my arms across my chest.

“In the flesh.” he grinned, holding out his hand, but I didn’t take it. “But let’s keep that between us, wouldn’t want that getting out.” He grinned again. My eyes fluttered in anger. Nick grabbed his drink, leaving a fifty-dollar bill on the bar. “Take care now,” he said, walking away. Feeling the sting in my cheeks, I turned away embarrassed, catching George’s eye. He winked and lifted a pink bracelet up for me. With a shake of my head, I declined and ordered a martini that I would have to nurse for most of the night. What surprised me most was the cost of the martini. With my expensive glass of vodka in hand, I slithered my way through the bouncing bodies to the VIP staircase and made my way up, only to receive a hard time again.

“Seriously,” I huffed, glancing over the bouncers shoulder, giving me a clear view of Cassie sitting with Charlie. “That is my girlfriend right there.” I pointed, but he wouldn’t turn to look. “Just get her, please.” The bouncer continued to ignore me. Then I noticed Cassie get up and head in my direction. I waved anxiously. She was pulling her phone out of her purse when she glanced up and finally spotted me, waving as she opened the door.

“There you are.” She let out a sigh, relieved.

“I was given a hard time,” I snarled and glared at the bouncer, who just shrugged it off. “I have been trying to call you for a half hour.” Complaining was not something I did often, but it was a little annoying being the outsider.

“Sorry, babe, but it is hard to hear my phone ringing in here.” She tugged my arm, pulling me through the door.

“Oh, careful, this drink cost me an arm and a leg.” I joked.

“Didn’t George remember you from last night?”

“Oh, he did, surprisingly”—my brow arched—“but I declined the offer.” After taking a tiny sip, I explained, “I drove tonight. I have to nurse this drink for as long as I can.” My tone went up in annoyance.

“What’s wrong,” she asked, stopping and turning to face me.

“Nothing.” I let out a tired sigh. “I just want to get on with the night.”
