Page 99 of Hard To Love

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“No,” he replied. “I think we’ve waited long enough.”

“Really?” My eyes welled.

He nodded, and bent down to kiss me. “Yes.” He laughed. “I don’t want to be away from you again.”

I hemmed and hawed a moment. “Where?” I replied.

“Anywhere you want,” he replied, straining his neck to kiss me. I didn’t know what to say, but it felt right when I answered him.


“Yes?” He was surprised.

“I want to be with you as much as I can.” I nodded and sat up. He rolled on top of me kissing me. His kiss trailed down my neck to my chest. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him up to kiss him again. His body slowly slid on top of mine, rubbing gently, and his touch arousing me once more.


The next morning I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over me. Nick was making breakfast and hadn’t noticed that I had taken a seat on the counter behind him. When he turned around, he jumped then smiled.

“ Good morning, beautiful,” he said, walking over, sliding his hands up my thighs as he kissed me.

“I could get used to this,” I teased.

“I figured we’d spend the day together before you have to go to the gallery tonight,” he said through our lips.

“I’m fine with that.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “What did you have in mind?”

“A little of this.” He kissed me hard, his tongue slipping through my lips. “Maybe some of that,” he said, gently biting my lip.

“I think I like what you have planned,” I replied, wrapping my legs around his waist. The doorbell buzzed. Nick’s brow furrowed as he wondered who would be stopping by unannounced.

“Excuse me a minute,” he said, kissing me again before slipping out of my arms. I pouted, making him chuckle. When he returned, I was caught a little off guard. He hadn’t made it back to me in time to warn me that Mason had walked in.

“Mason—Mason!” Nick shouted as he came close to the kitchen. I hopped off the counter and pulled the shirt down as far as it would go. “Shouldn’t you have called before just showing up?” he asked.

“What’s the big deal?” Mason scoffed, then turned around and we came face to face. He glared at me, and then turned back to Nick.

Nick stuffed his hands in his pockets and held Mason’s stare.

“When did this happen?” he asked.

“That’s none of your business,” Nick replied, and peered over Mason’s shoulder at me. “What are you doing here?” He asked Mason.

“Never mind,” Mason said and started to walk back to the front door. “You know—if you wanted to be with my brother, why didn’t you just say so?” he said, turning around. I looked at Nick, then back at Mason with dismayed eyes.

“I think it’s been far too long to even get into it anymore,” I replied, and then walked past Mason.

“No, I want to know.”


Mason ignored Nick and interjected, “You liked me, then you liked Nick, then you liked me again and now Nick again. Is this some sort of a game for you? If you wanted a threesome, why didn’t you ask?” he snarled.

“Mason!” Nick snapped.

“No, its fine, Nick. I can defend myself,” I said, looking over at him, walking towards Mason. “You want honesty, Mason?” I asked, and he nodded. “What makes you think you deserve it considering you were never honest with me?” I paused. He held my stare. “I don’t know what it was that I ever saw in you. You are selfish and deceitful. Our relationship was a lie. I was in love with Nick, and he was all I could think about.” I hit a nerve with that one. I knew it was a little spiteful, but he angered me. It wasn’t normal for someone to date two brothers, was it? It certainly was a new thing for me. “Even when you kissed me, I thought of Nick, and he was also the reason I never slept with you.” I was a little too honest, but there was no going back now. Mason’s jaw unhinged and he glared at me.

“You’re a whore!” he growled.
