Page 153 of Romeo & Antoinette

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“It sure does,” echoed Benny.

“Thank you. How are you? How was Mexico?”

“It was amazing,” said Nikki.

“It was amazing,” said Benny.

“Wait. Are you blushing? ”



Then they both started giggling.

Never in a million years would Ant ever have expected to see Nikki all blushed up and giggling with some boy.

“Who are you?”

“I’m me,” said Nikki proudly. “Only happier.”

“Well, I don’t know what you did with my cousin, but, if you see her, tell her the bar is open.”

“You got it. Oh hey, I almost forgot. I saw Tyler.”

“Really? When?”

“Just now. On the way in. We walked to the train station and he was sitting outside, just a couple blocks away.”

“Yeah. With about a dozen puppies crawling all over him,” added Benny.


“Yeah. Puppies. It’s all part of his community service. He’s working at the animal shelter. They were set up looking for people to adopt. He said he’d try to stop by after.”

“How’s he doing?”

“Good I think. He says he loves working with animals. He says he wants to be a vet.”

“A vet? Really?”

“Yeah. Now if he can just get your dad to pay for school.”

“Speak of the devil.”

Ant could see all the parents coming in over Nikki’s shoulder.

“Hey. Go grab a drink while I say hi to mom and dad.”

“You got it. And congratulations. The place is amazing.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you’re here.”

The four parents burst through the front door together. “We’re late, we’re late. I know. We’re late,” they said in unison.

“Hi everyone.”

Her mom could barely contain herself. “Sweetie! The place looks amazing. I love it. I absolutely love it. ”
