Page 105 of Quadruple Duty

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Even better, I learned more about Jason Briggs. I found out he loved the outdoors. That he was raised in the mountains, and was used by the Army primarily to conquer and thrive in that type of terrain.

Though he didn’t speak of his service in specifics, he told me a ton of stories that made me laugh. Most of them were about Kyle and Dakota, and a few that dealt with Ryan as well. Everything about him seemed real. Genuine. Unfiltered.

It was the unfiltered part I really liked.

Best of all, he seemed to enjoy me. This was something I’d been worried to death about, ever since getting along so well with my other three boyfriends. That somehow, if the dark and elusive ‘Briggs’ and I didn’t hit it off, I’d be back to square one… and single all over again.

And how in the world would you go back to normal dating after something like this?

It was a fair question. The answer, right now at least, was that I didn’t think I could.

You’re spoiled, Sammara. You have four men at your beck and call. You haven’t had to work for months, or pay a bill, or—

Sitting out behind the house, working on my design for the garden, I shook away the train

of thought. That part was upsetting. I had no real plan; no next step for my future other than to spend it with these four great guys who cared so much about me. So much that they were willing to share me with one another. So much that they’d offered to take care of me too.

Take care you? Yeah, right.

Once again I agreed with the cynical voice calling me out. The last thing I wanted was to be taken care of. No, I wanted to work. To make my own way, and do the things I loved. To tell my boyfriends that as much as I was growing to adore them, I’d never accept a free ride.

And then there was Dawn. Every time she came to mind I shoved her out of my head. The wounds were still too fresh. The destruction of our recent business, too painful.

“Hey beautiful! Get in here.”

Jason called me in from the kitchen. I put down my pencil and went, to find him standing there arms outstretched.

I went to him, and his embrace drove everything else away. It was like that between us. Somehow, just the feel of his arms around me made everything better. And I knew, from sleeping beside him — and staving off his nightmares — that I did the same for him.

“You’re amazing, you know that?”

I nuzzled my way into his broad, hard chest. Right now, it was my favorite place in the world.

“I’ve been told.”

“Have you? By the others?”

I shrugged. I had, really. There was no use denying it.

“By all of you,” I said. “You’ve all made me feel at home here. Made me feel loved. Made me—”

“You’re a little too good though,” he interrupted. “So good, in fact, I think I might want you all to myself.”

I stiffened a bit at the words. Was he getting jealous? Did he really mean that?

“Yup,” he confirmed, talking more to himself. “I think I’m gonna keep you. I’m going to whisk you away like a princess to some beautiful ivory tower, where I can have you all to myself.”

A deep laugh came from behind us. I whirled.

“Not if I can help it.”

I looked… and the man in the kitchen doorway was staring at Jason. Jason was staring back at him too, the both of them grinning.


Jason mercifully released me, and I threw myself into Ryan’s arms. It felt equally amazing. Even better maybe, because he’d been gone a month. I missed him! Missed him the same way I missed the others! And falling back in his arms felt so right. Like he’d been here the whole time. Like he’d never left.

“Damn,” Jason joked. “You should’ve let me go on a little longer. I wanted to see her reaction.”
