Page 13 of Quadruple Duty

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He got out, looked up, and made a motion for me to open my window. Since he was no longer on the phone, I obliged.

“Hello gorgeous,” he smiled.

“Uh… hi.”

From the second floor his broad shoulders looked gigantic, his handsome face framed by soft, sandy-colored hair. The wind picked up, sending a chill through my bedroom. But his smile, even from down there, was bright and warm.

“You gonna let me up?” asked Kyle. “Or do I have to get a Boombox and serenade you first?”



I let him in. I didn’t even change. It didn’t seem necessary; for some reason there was a level of intimacy between us that was inexplicable. It didn’t require anything other than the long T-shirt I already had on for bed.

“So…” I started right in. “You found me.”

Kyle shrugged. “You weren’t exactly hiding, were you?”

He smelled incredible — all leather and sweat and steel. He made himself uncharacteristically at home in my apartment, kicking off his boots at the door and tossing his leather jacket over the back of my couch as if he owned the place.

“Look, I’m here for two reasons,” he said. “One, because the guys wanted me to come. Apparently they love you. All three of them.”

“L—Love me?” I scoffed. “That’s funny. They’ve never even met me!”

“Yes but they know you,” he said. “Fairly well by now.”

“From what you’ve told them?”

Kyle smiled. “That for sure. Plus… other stuff.”

I didn’t want to know about the other stuff. At least not yet.

“What’s the other reason you’re here?”

He stepped into me, and I almost took a step back. It was intimating: his height, his size, his incredible physique. But it was exactly these things that made me feel safe with him too.

“The other reason is because I can’t stop thinking about you.”

He pressed his lips to mine, and everything else disappeared. My messy apartment, the fact I was half-dressed, even the crazy ad that I’d saved to my phone. All of it was gone in an instant as his mouth closed over mine, causing me to go limp his arms.

Sammara… wait!

I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him against me. I wanted him inside me, although I knew such an idea was the very height of stupidity.


Instinct won out. My mind soared with the giddy delirium of just letting him kiss me, over and over and over again. So much that I barely noticed it when my feet left the floor.


In one fluid motion he pushed me back on the couch and spread my legs, lifting them over his shoulders. My shirt rode up to my waist. My ass lifted automatically to help him roll my thong down my thighs. He removed it, and threw it unceremoniously over his shoulder.

“I— I—”

His gaze caught mine. There was understanding there, and in that instant we said nothing. Everything that needed to be communicated passed between us silently, in the span of a heartbeat.

Then he leaned forward… and buried his face between my legs.
