Page 133 of Quadruple Duty

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I gasped as a finger pierced me. It was slow… gentle. But insistent.

“Oh I don’t know,” I heard one of them say, somewhere past the haze of my growing arousal.

“But I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

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And for more steamy menage, with a spooky paranormal twist? Check out: Ghosts of Averoigne. Below you’ll find a preview of the amazingly sexy cover, plus the first several chapters so you can check it out for yourself!

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Blackstone Manor wasn’t black. It wasn’t even made of stone. But the old Tudor-style manorhouse more than made up for the mischaracterization. Its historic halls were warm and inviting, its sprawling estate groomed and well-manicured. They had been for a hundred and eighty years. Would be for centuries more.

It was as if time had no power here.

Kara squirmed into her high-backed chair, her ass squeaking noisily against the leather. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get comfortable. Not in this room. Not now.

“Everything alright Ms. LoPresti?”

Besides, she was just too restless.

“You’re shifting around like you’ve got bugs crawling all over you.”

She stared over the ancient wooden desk, at the tiny woman sitting behind it. She was frail and dark-skinned, but sat dignified and upright, without the slightest hint of a hunch. Behind her the massive fireplace of the office roared and crackled, casting shadows over the rich, wood-paneled room.

“I’m fine,” Kara declared. The glass of water on the desk in front her remained untouched. She resisted the urge to reach for it.

“Then what’s the fucking problem?”

Kara’s mouth curled into a smirk. When it came to social graces, Xiomara Magoro lacked many things. Bluntness wasn’t one of them.

“I said—”

“It’s just strange, that’s all,” Kara said. “That you’d pair me up with another member of the Order. Especially when you and I both know I work best alone.”

Xiomara leaned forward, emerging from the silhouette of the fire behind her. “Don’t tell me what I know,” she snapped. “You work best when you’re focused. And lately, you’ve been pretty fucking distracted.”

She waved one small hand dismissively. Kara bit her tongue. It was tough but she did it.

“And besides,” the woman continued, “this is too big a project for any one member. Especially not right now.”

Kara’s dark brow furrowed. “Right now? What’s so important about—”

“The opportunity is time sensitive,” Xiomara replied. “It’s… inherent to something that happens in just a few short days.”

Now Kara did reach for the glass, if only to give herself a moment to think. The technique worked.

“The winter solstice?”
