Page 69 of Quadruple Duty

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“But maybe that’s what I like about you,” he continued. “Ever think of that? I like that you’re tough, Sammara. I like that you don’t take anyone’s shit. Not even mine…”

His hand swept through my hair. I fell backwards, not even sure where I was anymore. I was woozy. Spinning…

“But you’re also in control.”

I gasped as he abruptly spun me around. Ryan shoved me forward and I bent at the waist. My thighs struck the room’s vanity area, my hands finding the edge of the little counter by the sink.

“We almost lost our lives back there,” he grunted, sweeping my hair back. I shivered involuntarily as he buried his face in my neck. “Any other girl would’ve been screaming bloody murder the whole time. Beating on me with her fists. Tearing my hair out as I tried to drive…”

He kissed my ear, hotly. His breathing was driving me absolutely wild.

“But not you,” he whispered. “You stayed strong. You choked back the fear, like a soldier would. And without any training.”

His palms slid up my legs. They brought my sundress with it, exposing my thighs.

“You did it all purely on instinct.”

I felt his hand settle over the bare flesh of my ass. It was rough. Calloused.

A man’s hand.

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you,” Ryan murmured. “You’re fierce. Gorgeous. Intelligent.”

His free hand rolled itself into my hair. He pulled backwards… forcing me to look up.


I could see us both in the mirror, side by side, cheek to cheek. Ryan was behind me, his mouth next to mine. The towel had dropped away. I could feel the warm skin of his thighs pressed tightly against mine.

“I was afraid Sammara. Afraid you were too good to be true. Afraid the others wouldn’t find you as perfect as I did, and then I’d lose you before I even had you. Most of all, I was afraid that maybe all this craziness would scare you away.”

Both staring forward, his eyes found mine. Our gazes remained locked in the mirror, tucked away behind the glass.


I swallowed past the lump in my throat. I tried to find any kind of voice, any kind at all.


“I’m not afraid anymore.”

He turned his face to kiss me, and I kissed him back. It was greedy. Hungry. Furious. Like we’d been somewhere starving together, and had just been given a banquet.

His hands went to my hips, and he shoved me forward again. Once more I bent at the waist. This time, my sundress was already bunched up over my back. My ass was naked against him, except for my panties.

I gasped again as Ryan’s hand slipped between my legs. With unyielding pressure, he began dragging his fingers up and down along the sheer fabric of my satin thong.


He looked at me in the mirror again. This time both our expressions seemed very far away.

“Is this what you want?” he growled, still rubbing.

Up and down he went, from the top of my ass to the base of my clit. My panties were wet in seconds, soaked straight through. My pussy was throbbing. Pulsating…


I felt his finger probing forward, and I braced for the euphoria of feeling him slip inside. But then suddenly—
