Page 73 of Quadruple Duty

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Ryan laughed, and I could only stare miserably back at him. Even after we spent the next ten minutes scraping dried rice noodle and wanton from the upholstery, the stench still permeated every inch of the interior.

“Open windows all the way home it is,” I sighed.

“Can’t we take the doors off?”

“Ha ha.”

Ryan scratched his goatee. “It’s funny because we actually could.”

We drove around for a bit just making turns, until the both of us were convinced we weren’

t being tailed or followed. It felt good to finally hit the highway and open up the engine.

“Are you really good with it?” Ryan asked, out of the blue.

My stomach dropped. “What? Us?”

“No silly,” he smiled, taking my hand. I felt a wave of relief as his fingers interlaced with mine. “I mean are you okay with not really knowing what last night was about?”

I realized he was referring to the car chase. Or the jeep and SUV chase. Or whatever the hell it was.

“Yeah, I’m cool.”

“Because I’d understand if you weren’t cool,” he said quickly. “I mean… it’s a lot to ask, not knowing.”

Hell yeah I wanted to know. But if he wasn’t telling me, I realized it was for a good reason. Ryan was protecting me. The less I knew the better.

“You’ll tell me when you’re ready,” I shrugged. “If you’re ready.”

Ryan nodded and looked out the window.

“Until then? I get it.”

We arrived back at the house, where Kyle and Dakota were already out to greet us. They ushered us inside to the delicious smell of bacon and eggs.

“You guys alright?” Dakota asked, his pretty-boy face devoid of a smile for the first time since I’d met him.

I nodded. “Better than ever.”

Kyle nodded. “And you uh… maybe worked a few things out?”

I couldn’t even look at Ryan. Though I knew for a fact he was looking back at me.

“You could say that,” I smiled sheepishly.

“Good,” Kyle grinned. “I’m glad.”

“We’re both glad,” said Dakota. “Seriously.”

It was sweet, knowing the guys cared in this way. Not just about their own relationship with me, but about each other’s. Sending us out for food when they could’ve had it delivered was a cheap ploy, but it served its purpose. Even if it took nearly getting us killed to bring us together, Ryan and I were closer than ever before.

“Well someone didn’t bring back dinner last night,” joked Dakota, “so Kyle and I were starving. We ate already, but there’s a spread of breakfast laid out for you if the two of you are hungry.”

Hungry didn’t begin to describe it! I hadn’t realized how famished I actually was until the scent of food set my mouth watering. Ryan grabbed my shoulders playfully and pushed me backward, rushing past me on his way into the kitchen. By the time I got there he was already heaping eggs onto his plate.

“Coffee still hot?” I asked Kyle.

“Just made it as you were pulling in.”
