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I laughed happily. “Okay, so how many princes and princesses are we talking?”

Kyle gripped my hand and squeezed it. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he said. “But the best part? We get to pick. We get to choose.”

The others nodded. As if this was something they’d discussed before.

“We get to move at our own pace,” said Jason. “To add children to our family from each of us, one by one, until we’re all one big disgustingly happy kingdom…”

“With a castle,” said Dakota. “Don’t forget the castle.”

They all turned in my direction, looking at me with enthusiasm.

“You expect me to build you the castle, don’t you?”

They nodded. I laughed. “You’re crazy.”

“Yup,” sighed Jason. “And yet you married us anyway.”

Silence fell, and for a long moment everything was right in the universe. A kingdom. That was my future. A kingdom full of laughter and love, of husbands and children, of friends and family and all manner of endlessly successful endeavors.

The world should look out, I thought gleefully. There are five of us…

I swallowed the lump of pride in my throat.

And any one of us could take it on.

The breeze picked up again, giving me a shiver. Or maybe that was just happiness. It was so hard to tell these days.

“Alright your majesties,” I joked, turning back toward the 300 year-old tower door. “Let’s go downstairs and rule together with an iron fist!”

They swarmed around me, my four gorgeous warriors. Bound to me now, the way they were to each other, for the rest of our lives.

“But first,” I said raising a finger. “Let’s go see if our kingdom has coffee…”

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Need more Reverse Harem?

First of all, thanks for checking out Quadruple Duty - All or Nothing. Hope you absolutely loved it!

If you haven’t already devoured the first book, you can find Quadruple Duty on Amazon

And for even more sweltering reverse harem heat? Check out: Snowed In. Below you’ll find a preview of the incredibly sexy cover, plus the first several chapters so you can see for yourself:


