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I half-ran, and was half-dragged through the forest. At first I didn’t even know which of my lovers had me, all I knew was that my feet were moving faster than they’d ever moved before.

Go! Run!

The voices were growing louder, and there were more of them now. Risking a quick glance up, I could see Ryan leaping over a rock, landing on both feet, and then ducking low to avoid a tree.

“This way!”

I was yanked again, this time in another direction. Dakota’s hand squeezed me so tightly I thought my wrist would break.

“Let me go!”

If he heard me, he didn’t entertain me. Hell, he didn’t even look back.

“I can move faster if you just let me—”

His hand opened, and he released my wrist. Immediately I lost step…


Somehow I maintained my balance and regained my stride. I kept my eyes locked forward and down, focusing intently on putting one foot in front of the other. I didn’t dare speak, or risk looking up at Ryan or Dakota. All I could do was keep them in my peripheral vision… and silently thank my winter track coach for putting me on the sprint events.


Ryan’s voice, and he actually sounded winded. He sounded worried too.

“Dakota, why are we—”

“Uphill,” Dakota gasped raggedly. The sprinting was taking a toll on him too. “Trust me.”

My lungs burned. I could feel them screaming for oxygen, even as my heart forced more and more heated blood through my veins.

Long legs… Long legs…

I’d been blessed with that much at least. My coaches had all said so. Still, I was a sprinter, not a long distance runner. I could keep pace with my lovers for now, but not forever.

“Over the hill and break left!”

We finally crested the rise, and thankfully before my wind gave out. Dakota practically dove left, and Ryan sprinted past him. I realized he’d been even with me only to keep me in sight. That he could’ve gone forward and past us anytime he wanted, but hadn’t.

You’re slowing them down.

Not-so-politely, I told the voice in my head to fuck off.

You’re not trained for this. You’re going to compromise everyone!

I risked a glance at Dakota and Ryan. The fear of failing them both was absolutely crushing. Maybe even worse than the possibility of failure itself.

You’re going to get everybody killed…

I dug deep. So deep, I found an all new place I hadn’t known about before. It was a place of limitless energy, of pure adrenaline. I tapped into it. Used it like a drug, to propel me forward…

“We’re losing them,” Ryan gasped. “Keep… keep going…”

I was ahead of them now. Ahead of them! Two badass Army rangers. Big, strong, powerful guys…

Then again, maybe that was exactly why.

