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“How could I forget about her! Okay, who else?”

“Deb from Duluth really threw herself at him next. They were sitting by the back fountain, and the next thing I knew, she was on his lap attacking him.”

“I thought she was so puritanical!”

“Oh no! Not at all!”

“Where was I when this happened?”

“I think you and Vanessa were getting champagne refills.”

“Oh. Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“Then he and Tamika were making out like crazy on the porch swing, and then he and Mylar were all over each other on the marble bench.”

“Wow,” I said. “I really thought we were all still in the holding hands phase.”

“No, Emma. You have to get on board or you’re going to be in trouble!”

“Okay, okay,” I said. “If I just get some sleep tonight I’ll be ready to deliver tomorrow. Did I miss anything else?”

“Well, yeah, of course. Tamika came back for more and interrupted him and Mylar, and then Bellamy kind of shooed Mylar away since I guess he likes Tamika better. Mylar was mad all night after that. Didn’t you notice her glaring at him during the elimination ceremony?”

“No, I guess I missed it all. Wow. Crazy! I really have to pay more attention.”

“I know! And then right before the elimination ceremony I saw him and Klassie going at it again.”

“So it sounds like Klassie and Tamika are the ones to beat,” I said.

“I guess so,” said Shyla. She looked troubled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

Her eyes filled with tears. “Nothing. I’m just tired.”


“I don’t know. It’s just, this is harder than I thought it would be.”

“Oh,” I said. I touched my earrings, unsure what else to say.

“How are you handling it so well?” she asked. “Aren’t you jealous?”

“I guess not really.”

“Do you like Bellamy?”

“Oh, sure. Yeah. Of course. I mean, who wouldn’t?”

“Exactly! He’s such a catch! I like him more all the time! I’m going to kiss him the next time I see him.”

“Yeah, just do it,” I said.

“Thanks for talking,” said Shyla. “You’re, like, my best friend here. In fact, I think of you as an older sister, or like another mom to me.”

“Sure,” I said. I settled into my seat and closed my eyes. I started to drift off, but was suddenly awakened by the sound of screaming.

“What’s happening?” I asked, jumping up.
