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“Well, if I am going to break hearts as you say, you are going to smash them into dust! You are exquisite.” Georgie sighed. “I shall never get Jules to look at me with you there.”

“Nonsense. I am not what he wants. He is forever talking about ‘when my hair grows’ and I shall make it clear that I don’t mean to allow it to grow—ever. Also, he thinks I shall outgrow my impulsive behavior. I shall show him that impulsive is who I am. When he rejects me it will be because he finally sees me. And then he will realize that the woman he wants is you.” Star glanc

ed at the clock. “Oh faith! Look at the time! They will be arriving any moment.”

“Yes, yes they will. What will this modern woman do when Jules looks her way?” Georgie asked sardonically.

“You know very well, Georgie, so don’t be coy. Use your eyes to speak to him and you will have him in your pocket.”

Georgie laughed but Star waved her hand nervously, “We will have to go downstairs. I am sorry, but first, I promised Vern we would look in on him…do come.”

A few moments later, they left Vern chuckling and made their way downstairs, as Star heard the scraping of the coach wheels on the front drive. “Cook and her husband Bankes are asleep, so there is no one to answer the door. Thus, it is up to us,” Star said looking at her friend. “I am so sorry…do you mind?”

“What sort of snob do you put me down as, you miserable girl? Do I mind? Indeed!” Georgie said on a huff and laughed. They heard the door knocker and glanced at each other for a moment.

“Calm, we are calm, it is only a dance and they are men…only men,” Star laughed.

“Yes, but not quite ‘just a dance’, but a ball. The ball of the season and the men on the other side of that door are not just men, but such extraordinary men!” Georgie said practically.

“Now you have gone and done it, you twit,” Star wagged a finger. “I was succeeding in shooing away my butterflies and you have brought them right back and they are taking over my stomach.”

* * *

The ball proved to be everything a young woman could wish for. Star was rapt as she gazed around and thought everything and anything was now possible.

As predicated, she and Georgie did in fact, most certainly turn heads when they were announced, and they kept those heads turned in their direction for some length of time. Star could not help but notice the appreciative stares directed their way.

Star sighed with great pleasure as her white gloved hand fluttered toward the profusion of colorful flowers set around the room. “Aren’t they lovely…” she said to her friend.

Georgie answered, “Yes, yes, but do you see the mamas looking our way? Envy, my friend, those are the faces of undisguised envy. We have three of the most eligible bachelors in all the county at both our sides.”

“Oh, my…Georgie…that group looks as though they could strangle us.” Star said on a laugh. She thought about it. How lucky they were. Miles, Jules and Sir Edward were hovering about them and they were indeed, three most desirable and eligible bachelors. After many of the snubs and snide remarks she had sustained after her father’s death regarding hers and Vern’s financial woes, this struck her as funny. She couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

The evening was sultry and Star fanned herself as she watched many of the dancers, waltzing toward the double doors and the flagstone patio outside.

All at once, Star found her hand in that of some fine young buck’s as he pulled her onto the dance floor. As the dance movements took them around the floor, she could not help but notice Sir Edward watching her intently and wondered what he was thinking.

Suddenly, she saw him moving toward them and she knew he was going to cut in. Her heart fluttered with excitement. She was about to feel his hand on her waist. She was about to be in close proximity to him. Oh faith!

Miles, however, had evidently the same notion and Star’s eyes opened wide as she saw the two converge on her and her dance partner.

Sir Edward’s smooth maneuvering brought him to her first and he tapped the young man on the shoulder to say, “Off with you, puppy. The first waltz was promised to me.” He took Star’s waist firmly in hand and maneuvered her away from Miles who had been trapped between the dancers on the floor.

“I know I have already told you that you are stunning, but I must say it again, Miss Berkley. Your eyes…are alive and in their depths, I see such a flames, enticing flames therein. There isn’t a man here who doesn’t want to look into them and unclothe their mystery.”

Star laughed, “Very prettily said.” She looked at him and arched a brow, “It isn’t easy to mind my steps and keep up conversation, but I shall try and not step on your feet.”

He choked back a laugh, “Are you…minding your steps?”

“Indeed! You see, I was only able to practice with Vern and Georgie as the waltz is relatively new here in the country and only recently sanctioned. So before tonight I haven’t honestly really done much practicing.”

“Well, I would not have known it. You are light and graceful. I would have thought you have been doing the waltz all season.”

Star smiled warmly at him and asked, “So then, are you beginning to enjoy country life, or are you missing London—or was it Brighton you just came from?”

“It was Brighton, though most of the time I am found in London and no, I do not miss either place, because yes, I find country life, country hours, country simplicity completely…refreshing,” he said softly.

She dimpled, “Indeed, I have always thought it was so, but it is not very exciting. I am sure, for someone used to the bustle of…”
