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“On the contrary,” he offered, cutting her off. “Country life is proving to be quite…intriguing. And you know, I find country manners most relaxing.” He looked at her intently for a long moment and added on a low, husky note, “As to excitement, I find myself…at the edge, in your company.”

Star felt her heart go thump in her chest. A smile quivered and she looked past his shoulder, if only to recoup. However, she saw Miles waving at her and giggled setting herself back at ease once more, and said. “You know sir… it wasn’t nice…what you did.”

“What did I do that wasn’t nice?”

“Cutting poor Miles off earlier. He is my brother’s dear friend and I am sure…”

Again he interrupted, “Not nice, but expedient.”

“Do you always do what is expedient regardless of whose toes are stepped on?”

“Certainly, as long as the toes are not mine,” he answered, giving her one of his most charming smiles.

“You should not,” she admonished, but amusement curved her lips none the less.

“So I have been told, but at least I am honest and if nothing else, entertaining,” he returned easily. They were outdoors before she knew it. He had without her realizing it guided her toward the fresh summer breeze at the open patio doors.

Star was immediately thankful as he led her outdoors and took in a long gulp to say, “Oh, but this is delightful. It was getting stuffy indoors.” She looked around at the brightly burning torches and the handsomely decorated garden furniture. Couples laughed as they strolled through the maze of evergreens and flower beds and Star sighed happily.

“Yes,” she said suddenly. “You are entertaining…and honest, I think. Am I right? Are you honest, sir?”

“I think I am, but,” he answered. “I am more interested in what you think.”

“Ah, so we shall allow, honest, entertaining…and what other qualities do you think you possess?”

“Should I enumerate? I don’t think so. Why don’t you tell me what very excellent qualities I possess,” he returned on a tease.

“Ah, so you think you have so many--too many to count?” She released a short laugh and shook her head. “Well, for one, and not an attractive one, I think you are a bit too puffed up in your own consequence. To be certain you have reason and I am sure London’s haute ton dotes on you, but it is not a good thing, is it?” His expression coaxed the tickle of a laugh and her laugh sugared the hard words.

His eyes met hers and he said low and seductively, “Then I must endeavor to improve myself for my lady.” He had already reached for and taken her gloved hand, but as he raised it to his bent head, he did not kiss the covered fingertips, but instead found and kissed her bare wrist.

Star felt a rush of sensation shoot through her veins. Had she a fan, it would have been working hard. She found she couldn’t speak, but as he continued in that low hoarse voice, “The moonlight becomes you, Miss Berkley. I am nea

rly overcome with…”

“Star,” she interrupted him. She was sure he was going to say something outrageous and she wasn’t ready. “You may call me Star. As far as the moonlight is concerned, I rather think it would become everyone.”

He laughed and still holding her gloved hand, walked with her down a stone path to a lovely set of evergreens and there he stopped her. Easily, gently and before she knew what he was about, he had her expertly in his strong embrace.

In truth, Star admitted to herself, she had been waiting for this moment. She knew what was going to happen the moment he took her outdoors. In her heart, she knew. In her head, she knew. If she listened to both, she also knew she wanted this to happen. She probably wasn’t ready, but that didn’t matter.

She wanted this.

His lips brushed hers lightly and beneath the gentle pressure she parted them as his mouth closed on hers.

All at once, what had started out as a light kiss upon the lips, grew into something quite out of control. Yearning for more filled her veins as her mind went blank and she gave herself over to desire.

His tongued tempted hers to meet and join his, as she found herself clinging to him, wanting that kiss to go on and on and never stop. She had never had a kiss like this. She had never known that her body could respond in this way.

However, the kiss did not go on, but abruptly stopped.

He yanked himself away and set her apart as though he had been burned. He stared at her with a look that said he couldn’t believe his eyes and he frowned darkly at her almost accusingly.

Star was surprised. She could not understand what was wrong. She had not expected this from him. In fact, she had expected more kissing, much more kissing. Her eyes were wide open with shock as she whispered, “Is that it?”

She saw that her question had nearly bowled him over.

It was obvious by the expressions that flitted across his countenance that he was torn between laughter and chagrin.
