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Georgie turned an arched brow to Miles and asked, “Why Miles, don’t you think me delightful company?”

Miles Denning had the good grace to stammer before he snapped, “That…that is not what I meant, and well you know it!”

She laughed and took pity. “So I do. Good night gentlemen.” She allowed Jules to push the front door open for her before she turned, closed and bolted it on them.

A moment later, she picked up the skirts of her tight fitting gown and hurried upstairs to Star’s bedroom. She gave Miles and Jules no choice but to wait till morning, but she had no intention of doing so. If Star was already asleep, she meant to wake her.

She burst into the room she would be sharing with her friend and was not in the least perturbed to find the room (with the exception of the light thrown off from the low burning fire in the grate) in darkness.

Georgie went right up to the four poster bed that housed her friend, drew away the cover Star had pulled over her head and demanded, “Well?”

* * *

Star had heard her friend’s entrance and knew in advance what was coming. She dove under her covers.

Georgie’s demands drew a resigned laugh as the covers were flung off her and a cool draft hit her in the face. Star knew her friend too well to believe she would let the matter rest.

Her brother’s outrageous entrance at the Sefton Ball had been a completely startling and stressful event. What followed had been a confused piece of heaven, for being with Sir Edward was like having a foot in hell and paradise all at once.

She had thrown herself into Sir Edward’s expert arms. So indeed, she had a great deal on her mind and perhaps it was time to confide in Georgie?

Georgie plopped on the bed and said, “Miserable girl. Laughing after such a night as we have had?” With which she did in fact laugh. She fell backward onto the bed and holding her midriff released all the pent up concerns with a fit of nervous mirth.

Finally, both girls collected themselves and Georgie leveled a look at her friend and said, “Now, don’t try to fob me off for I won’t have it. Tell me at once, what the deuce is going on?”

Star pulled her friend up alongside her against the headboard. Georgie, clothes still on clamored under the covers and waited expectantly before Star said, “So I shall…don’t you want to change into your nightdress and be comfortable?”

“Comfortable? I shan’t be comfortable until you answer my questions.”

“How shall I start? Perhaps you should ask me specifics?” Star said on a heavy sigh.

“Start with everything. What was wrong with Vern? Why did he come to the ball in such a state? What have you been hiding from me for days and days?”

Star considered the questions. She didn’t trust anyone quite as much as she did her Georgie, but not all of this story was hers to tell. She couldn’t betray Vern. As to tonight’s escapade, she didn’t really understand it at all. She had no notion what had motivated Vern to come charging wildly into the ball like he did. He had offered no explanation and she had not wished to press him in front of Sir Edward.

“Georgie…all I can say is that Vern—finding himself in financial difficulties, well, they were the worst kind of difficulties as you already must realize. I know you understand what the past year has been like. Well, oh my, this is not my secret but his. So what I will tell you is he did something he should not have done. This led to a situation where I became involved as he was ill…too ill to complete…something he had to do. Why Vern came to the ball and behaved so…wildly? I don’t know as Sir Edward was with us and he would not say, for how could he with Edward present?”

“If you and Vern were in such straits…you should have come to me,” Georgie said.

“How could we? You know that was impossible,” Star said and sighed heavily.

“Still…perhaps I could have arranged something,” Georgie clucked a

nd then eyed her friend. “Never mind, what is done is done. We shall move on and repair it somehow, whatever it is. Now tell me and do not try to pitch your gammon at me for I already know that something has occurred between you and Sir Edward. Did he try and kiss you?” She scanned Star’s face and gasped, “He succeeded, didn’t he? He kissed you!”

Star was astonished, “How could you know that?”

“Stands to reason, silly chit. You look like a satisfied cat. How did it happen? When you saw him to the door…and were alone?”

“No, not exactly,” Star hemmed.

“Where then?”

“In the library,” Star answered on a soft smile.

“In the library—you took him alone to the library, you outrageous tart!” Georgie laughed.

“Yes and I have never been kissed like that before,” Star said wistfully. “I wanted it to go on forever.”
