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“No, sir. I do not believe her at all. Something has happened…since last night, I think on her ride this morning. I am certain of it, but I can’t think what it might be. At first I thought it might have something to do with Sir Edward.” She bit her lip thinking she had said too much.

Jules’ brow went up. “What do you mean? Why would Sir Edward…I mean…?” He faltered then and she hurriedly waved this off.

“I am speaking nonsense. Pay me no mind.”

“Yes, but Georgie…,” he started.

“I am only worrying for nothing,” she cut in.

“So then what we have is the fact that you as her friend did not believe her when she told you nothing was wrong,” he mused out loud.

“Precisely so, sir. I did not believe her. Something is very wrong.”

“What do you think it is?” he asked frowning over the problem. “Her brother’s health?”

“No, he is on the mend. Oh Jules, you see, when I pressed her she told me she had bumped into Sir Edward during her morning ride. She was about to tell me something more when she suddenly bit her lip, turned away from me and would not meet my eye.” Georgie shook her head. “I must get to the bottom of this before she and Vern plunge deeper into…into whatever it is they have already muddied their feet in.”

“Muddied their feet? Whatever can you mean? Do you think Edward might have upset her somehow when she met him during her ride?” he pursued.

“No, I do not. In fact, when she spoke of Sir Edward, it was the only time I truly saw her smile. No, this is something else altogether, something horrible, but I cannot fathom what.” She looked around and saw that he should have turned off toward the left if he was headed for either Stamford or town and said, “Oh sir, you needn’t see me all the way to my house. Thank you for listening to me and coming this far out of your way.”

“I have not come out of my way, since my way was anywhere you chose to go,” he said gallantly and his eyes glinted brightly.

She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his eyes and for a moment, found it difficult to breathe. She said on a scarcely audible whisper, “You are too kind.”

“Why, for grasping at the pleasure of your company?”

“Thank you, but honestly, I can see myself home,” she countered. A part of her was irritated with him. He openly still seemed to be looking to court Star. How could he blatantly flirt with her if it was Star he wanted? She did not think he wanted Star in earnest, but even so, she would not be caught in the middle of this.

“But, I insist on doing that for you.” His smile was warm, his voice low and she thought intense. How could he? How could he switch from one woman onto another? Who did he really want?

Suddenly swept up in a moment of agitation so foreign to her that she felt at a loss for words, she said with a touch of annoyance, “Jules, I am quite accustomed to roaming at will between Madison and Berkley.” Bolstered by her own words, she eyed him challengingly. “If my mother does not object and she does not, how then, can you?”

“Indulge me,” he said cajolingly. “I should like to see you safely home.” His voice was soft, caressing, his eyes full with the sincerity of his words.

“You are all that is chivalrous…”

He cut her off, “I am only being selfish, my dear.”

“How so?”

“It affords me that much more time in your company.” He laughed at her expression and added, “Now don’t go pulling one of your cynical looks at me, my girl. I swear, I mean every word.”

The next words that spilled out of her mouth came without brain function. “As you are most sincere when you say the same thing to every maid in your company, I am sure.” As soon as the words were out and she heard them, she wanted to sink into the ground. Why had she said such a thing?

He was surprised. “Is that what you think of me? You have me confused with Miles, I believe and you wrong me, Georgie.”

“I wrong you?” Had he not been chasing her dearest friend Star? Had he not shown a preference for Star? The words had come because it was what she felt. Georgie never stomped her feet. She couldn’t now because she was on horseback, but she had the urge to stomp a foot at him. “How can I wrong you when I have heard you speak thusly to my dearest friend, Star?”

“Indeed, that does not mitigate my sincerity when I speak to you,” he countered unwisely. Evidently he had been trapped in the moment and had not been able to think of a defense.

Infuriated now, Georgie put up her chin, “I take leave to tell you that you are an outrageous flirt.”

“I am not, I swear to you…” he answered turning a bright shade of red.

She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She never was so emotional. Why was she now? She said, “I cannot believe that you are not aware that you have made Star, the object of your attentions for some weeks now.”

“Yes, but then…” he stopped himself and regarded her speculatively, unable to continue.
