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His eyes protruded and an ugly smile swept his face. “Now whot mort? Do ye mean to stick me with that? Ye best stick me good…make certain Oi’m dead…”

Ally set up a howl, “Now ye’ve gone and done it…”

All at once Star felt the entire building rattle with the force at the door as it exploded off its hinges.

Sir Edward stood, his gun leveled at Farley’s head as Star took a step away, the knife pointed at him and a warning glare in her eyes.

Farley lunged for her apparently in a last ditch effort to have something between him and the flash cove with the gun.

Ally had his back to the wall and Jules’ gun pointed at his heart. Other than to put his hands in the air, he made no move whatsoever.

Farley had her arm and as he pulled her to himself and she screamed and plunged the knife into the arm that held her fast. He bellowed with pain and she jumped aside giving Edward a clear shot and he didn’t hesitate as he took it.

Farley crumbled, for Edward’s bullet had struck him through the forehead. Seeing this Star ran into Edward’s waiting arms.

Her eye was swollen and black, her face bruised, her wrists bleeding but all she could feel was love. As he crushed her close and looked at her injuries, he said, “Would that I could revive him and kill him again.”

Star’s shaky laugh dissolved into tears. He covered her face with kisses. “My love, oh my love…let me get your home.”


A WEEK HAD gone by, and several things had occurred.

Farley’s body had been handed over to the local magistrate’s office, and Ally was given over to stand trial for his part in the abduction affair.

Mrs. Madison received Jules’s Stamford’s request to court her daughter with great pleasure and he had been busy all week doing just that.

Star was happy for Georgie and wondered just where she stood with Sir Edward.

He had not applied to her brother for her hand and although he had been a constant visitor, he had not tried even to kiss her. She realized of course that she was not looking her best. Her black eye had been healing and changing colors and that did nothing to help her appearance. Her ankle which had been badly bruised when she had taken the fall from Farley’s open fist still caused her to limp.

She looked up as the library door opened and saw Sir Edward standing there staring at her for a long moment.

Oh no, was he here to say good-bye?

He came forward, putting a hand out to stay her from moving off the sofa and came to sit beside her. His voice was a caress as he said, “Star.”

“Yes?” she peeped at him her heart full with hope for more.

“I have just come from a discussion with your brother,” he said with half a smile.


“Indeed. I had hoped he would not find out until I told him, but apparently matters such as these move differently in a small town.”

“Matters? Told him?” This wasn’t what she thought he was going to say.

“I bought the mortgage to Berkley,” he said and eyed her pointedly.

She actually felt the color drain from her face. What did this mean? Was he indeed taking Berkley from them? “Oh?” she managed.

“Yes, it will be my wedding gift to you,” he said.

Her heart flipped and before it righted itself she reached out her hand and he took it to fervently kiss her fingers while she stupidly said, “Don’t think you must…because you and I…because…”

He laughed, “Minx of a woman. I must because I don’t want to live without you in my life. I must because I can and because you love your brother and want him solvent again. My gift to you will be your gift to him.” He took her into his arms then and his kiss though gentle at first grew into something as passionate as she felt, as she knew he felt.

He stopped and leaned back to take her chin in his fingers, “Have I not shown you? Do you not know how deeply and completely I love you?”
