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“Ah, but you had not said it yet and besides, I had my doubts,” she dimpled at him. “After all, you did not even contemplate paying the five hundred pounds to gain my freedom!”

He laughed, “You are a she-devil. You are. No. I came faster than I thought possible to get you out of his hands…and I still wasn’t fast enough.”

His face, his eyes were grim and she touched his cheek, “No, how can you say that? Your timing was perfect.”

“I couldn’t bear it, thinking of you at his mercy and then when I saw you…bruised and…”

“Hush. It is over. We have much better things to think about, but tell me, would you have paid if you found no other way?”

He eyed her mischievously, “If I had to.”

“Oh, you are the devil, not I,” she said and laughed as she snuggled against his chest.

The library door burst open and Vern said with a chuckle, “This is most improper, you two. You are only engaged and must obey the proprieties.”

“How do you know we are engaged? I might have said no,” Star said and giggled as she snuggled in Edward’s arms.

“Aha, there are some matters a man knows,” Vern answered grinning wide.

Miles Denning appeared at his back, took a sweeping look and said, “Aha, so that is how it stands. Right then, so be it. You know Star, if this chap doesn’t behave just as he ought, I am forever yours.”

“Indeed, mine and so many others,” Star laughed.

“Now, get out, all of you, for I mean to be alone with my future bride. We have a wedding to plan!”

An excerpt from Claudy Conn’s newest steamy regency release: MANDY

SHE SCRAMBLED TO her feet and there in the sunlight, her lively eyes bright with concern and her body in boys clothing so much more alluring than he had ever thought possible, this imp of a woman stood grabbing all his attention to the exclusion of all else.

He felt the frown bend his brows as he looked her over. Even in dirty breeches, even with dusty boots and a smudge across her cheek, the Sherborne creature was utterly devastatingly beautiful.

The duke was a man who adored women, their foibles, their mysterious ways, and their many faces. He loved the way they laughed and giggled. He loved their softness, their hearts, and their ability to deal with a world that set them as the ‘lesser gender’ when he had always known otherwise. Indeed, though he knew it was the male’s job, his duty, his pleasure to protect a woman from harm; in no way were they the lesser gender. His mother had taught him that because he had adored and observed her and his feelings for her had left him with a deep affection for womankind.

Thus, the duke became a man with a fondness for all women, all sizes, and all ages. They were an intriguing lot, full of charms and had a way of seeing the world that opened that same world for a man.

He had always thought perhaps that he loved women too much and that was why he had never wanted to get attached to just one. There were so many choices.

This woman standing before him had been loyal to her brother to the point of absurdity and he admired that in her. However, she had to be taught that this could not continue, if only to keep her safe.

He found himself fighting a mental war. He wanted in all sincerity, to protect her, even from herself and yet…he could not stop the sure desire rushing through his blood when he looked at her. What the bloody hell was that? He never bothered with innocent maids. His flirtations were always with women married for convenience and looking for diversion and the occasional widow.

His mind was lost in cogitation as they saw to their horses, but in spite of his mental resolve to keep her at arm’s length, he found himself breathing in the fresh soapy scent of her. She must have washed with freezing cold water, poor girl, he thought.

He stepped closer without knowing that he did so. She went very still, but she resisted when he tried to take the saddle and the end result sent her flying backward.

He hurried and with great concern, reached for and found her waist as he helped her up and she put out a hand to his chest.

It was with every ounce of strength that he set her aside and did not kiss her, for at that moment, it was the only thing he wanted to do, but he wouldn’t. How could he take advantage of her like that? He couldn’t…could he?

* * *

She moved toward him, and didn’t have far to go with only an inch between them. She put her hand to his chest and while on her toes, she closed her eyes.

She knew, absolutely knew he was going to kiss her.

His voice was near her ear as he said, “Is there something I can do for you, Mandy? Something no one else can do?”

She heard the tease in his voice and realized what she was doing and feeling like a childish fool, she landed back on her heels, as her eyes snapped open. What must he think? How could she have been so wrong?
