Page 74 of Courting Kit

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“Oh, Nanny, Harry and Ree have made a mull of everything, so I am going to sort it all out. I shan’t be long.”

She smiled, took up her purse, and hurried down the stairs. With a sensation of pure and mischievous excitement, she went outdoors and hailed a hack.

Now, she told herself, to begin!

* * *

Harry had taken a small corner table in the coffee shop. He was attempting to remain calm, but how could he in the face of what was now so obvious?

He read and then re-read Sarah Anne’s quickly scribbled note and smiled to himself. What a sapient little monkey Kit was. She had been so very on the mark. He was certainly no Bartholomew baby, but he had not seen what had been staring at him. He felt a nodcock.

Kitty was just a green girl, and yet she had realized immediately just what was going on. Now, of course, it was all so clear. Why had he been so blind before?

He gulped down the remainder of his strong coffee and motioned for the waiter to bring him another.

Timing, Kitty had said, was everything.

He still had a few minutes before he was due to make his move.

* * *

Henrietta’s eyebrows went up. “Kitty, you are early—you are never early!” Her eyes narrowed. “What is it? I can see that something is towards.”

“Yes, I am early, and you can see, can you? Well, that is a good thing, because, from what I have heard, I was worried that might be something wrong with your eyesight,” Kitty said, one brow arched.

She moved over and picked up her friend’s bonnet and cloak. “Put these on, and let’s go out, shall we. The day is too beautiful to waste indoors.”

“Why are we in such a rush?” Ree studied Kitty closely.

“Before your mother awakes and makes us take your maid,” Kitty answered honestly.

“But, Kitty, we should take my maid. After all, we should not walk about London unattended, should we?”

“I do it all the time and am all the rage, so no harm shall befall us.” Kitty waved off the censure immediately. “Come, it is too early, and no one will even be about while we enjoy the morning air.”

“Very well,” Ree said, still appearing unsure as she donned her chip bonnet and her cloak.

“Ah, that shade of blue suits you,” Kitty said as she pushed her down the hall to the stairs. “Come on, I want to get away before we are discovered.”

Ree stifled a giggle and said, “Oh Kitty, I have so missed you.”

Kitty smiled to herself. Now, if only everything in her plan went smoothly, and everyone did just what they ought!

* * *

Clay consulted his timepiece, a pocket watch he had saved from the debt collector. It had belonged to his grandfather, whom he had been very fond of.

He was well pleased with the outcome of his recent machinations. He was about to secure a very rich bride. He had seen early on that Henrietta preferred Harry and that, in fact, she had a tendre for Harry. He needed to win her away, but after a short space of time he discovered that was not going to be easily done.

He was a clear-headed thinker. He knew what needed to be done, and thus he set another idea into action. But something worried him now, now when everything was moving so smoothly and he couldn’t afford any mistakes.

Women were jittery creatures, and this one even more so than most. There was never any telling what might set her off, and Sarah Anne was his one loose wheel. Best to attend to the summons he had received earlier.

At least the hour was early enough and no one would be around to observe them together to get any notions.

* * *

Harry took up an inconspicuous place behind a large evergreen along the walkway of the Serpentine. Not far in the distance, he had pinned a yellow ribbon on another evergreen.
