Page 27 of Serena

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“What should I tell you?” she asked all innocence though she knew very well he wanted intimate details of her evening.

“Don’t play your games with me,” he snapped. “I want to know who you danced with, who caught your eye, and I want to know about you and Warren.”

“Ah, the ball. Mrs. Addleput sends you her best, by the way, and Lady Merriweather said to be certain to tell you that you were greatly missed, and young Merriweather has flouted his parents’ wishes and asked the young woman he loves and has … ahem … how shall I put this, ah, yes, fathered a child with, to be his bride. Faith, if he didn’t go down on one knee for all the world to witness. Asked her right there in the ballroom and went off with her and her parents.”

“No? Really?” Her uncle was momentarily diverted. “Good for him. Finally showing some backbone, eh?” He then recalled what he really wanted to know. “Yes, but get on with it, girl. You and Warren?”

“Get on with it, Uncle? Me and Warren? Whatever do you mean?” she teased.

“Do you feel any different about him? Will you change your mind and marry him?”

“Well, as to that, I think I allowed him one dance, but he was very busy … flirting up the Parker girl, so I am not sure what you can mean—will I marry him?” She shook her head, “Uncle, the man I marry will only want me, and want me for who I am.” She sighed. “Is that so very naïve?”

“Ah bah!” her uncle returned irritably. “Of course not, but you are too picky.”

“Uncle, you know that Warren’s mind is set on a fortune, and I, as I have told you over and over again, do not love him.”

“Who else did you dance with?”

“As I told you, Lord Pendleton, his nephew, Freddy, the good reverend, and a few others.”

“Tell me about this Lord Pendleton?” Her uncle picked up on this immediately.

“Oh, and the food was delectable,” she told him instead.

“Food? How would you know? You are naught but skin and bone,” he stuck in at once and glared at her.

She laughed, bent to her knees, and kissed his hands. “Why can we not be content with things just the way they are?”

“Absurd child, you haven’t a notion what is good for you.” He sighed heavily.

She made a face. “You want to pick a fight this morning. Very well, have at me then,” she said, getting back to her feet and moving towards the window. When would his lordship arrive? He had made a point of telling her he would call this morning. Why were her knees so jittery? Why was she so on edge?

Waltzing with him had been an experience like no other. Kissing him? She had not thought it possible to feel the way she had in his arms. She had begun to worry because her friends, both married and single, had told her she must a bit ‘cold-blooded’. She had never wanted to, as Francine, her dearest friend often teased her, ‘bed a man’, at least not until she found herself waltzing with his lordship. Suddenly she wondered just what it would be like to look at him naked and to feel him touching her body. It brought the heat to her cheeks.

With the memory of Daniel Pendleton’s hand on her waist, she found her breathing now had become labored, and that images of him bending to kiss her, sweep her away … and … Oh, stop, she told herself. This simply had to stop.

The double doors opened wide, and their old but sweet-natured retainer cast them a speaking look before he announced, “Lord Daniel Pendleton.”

Serena’s attempt at composure was shattered. She suspected that if she had been required to speak at that moment, she might have squeaked.

All she could do was stare. He was the most outrageously handsome man she had ever seen. There was no one who carried himself with such masculine grace and elegance. He was self-assured, and he was like a large, hungry … oh no, she had to stop this at once.

Her body immediately reacted to his animal magnetism. Every step, every move, had her riveted in place. She eyed him from top to bottom. She liked the dark blue, stylishly fitted cutaway riding coat with the tight-fitting britches over his muscular legs. Her gaze lingered there at his thighs, and she felt the blush as she looked where she should not have. Hurriedly her gaze dropped to his highly polished black riding boots but then went right back up and found his blue eyes, looking right into hers. Faith!

He went directly to her, took the hand she remembered to extend in greeting, and said, “And I have.”

She arched a look at him and managed, “And you have?”

“Missed you until this moment,” he answered softly.

Dear, oh dear, her mind said as it melted into porridge. His wide smile helped her find herself, and with a short laugh, she turned and made him known to her uncle before she moved to the bellrope and called for tea to be brought to them.

She smoothed the ivory muslin gown around her figure and saw that he was staring at her from the top of her golden curls right down to her ivory satin shoes. Her hand fluttered to the heart-shaped, lace-trimmed bodice. The look in his blue eyes made her swallow hard. Knowing that his gaze had lingered on her breasts sent shivers through her body.

She couldn’t help but note how easily he made light conversation with her uncle. The two were already talking about hunting and opening day, and she saw at once approval in her uncle’s smile. The squire liked him, and for some reason this gave her a warm feeling.

His lordship’s black hair fell across his forehead as he bent to catch something her uncle said, and she had the ridiculous urge to reach out and touch. She wanted, absurdly, to whisper his name … Daniel, Danny … and she wanted to hear him whisper hers.
