Page 33 of Serena

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Thinking of that conversation now made her sigh heavily as she walked a little away from the group, all of whom were in a debate over the merits of one breed of hound over another.

Sir Newton was overseeing some of his hounds when he announced that he would have Freddy act as a whipper-in and they would take some of the hounds for a bit of exercise.

Serena nearly laughed out loud as she watched Freddy looking like a youth who had been given his favorite sweet and couldn’t decide what he should do—eat it or save it.

She knew he would normally jump at the chance. After all, being asked to whip was an honor and a prize for an avid fox hunter. She knew he had never held this position, and she could see the excitement in his eyes.

Freddy loved hunting, following the hounds as they worked, everything about it, so she was surprised when he hesitated and said to her, “But, Serena, it will mean that I shan’t be in a position to give you my company home.” Clearly he found this disturbing. He turned to his uncle, who was watching him thoughtfully and said, “Uncle Danny, I am going to take Newton’s invitation, but …”

“Never doubted for a moment that you would do anything else,” returned his lordship. “’Tis everything you love.”

Freddy looked at Serena and sighed heavily, “Well, as to that—not everything.”

Serena saw his lordship’

s eyes glitter and suspected a caustic remark was on the tip of his tongue, but he only asked his nephew mildly, “Well, where is the rub?”

“Can’t leave Serena to those devils …” he said but looked only at Warren.

“Then you have nothing to fret over, my boy. Depend on me to see her safely home.”

“Yes, but what about them?” Freddy still looked worried.

“I don’t mean to see any of them home,” his uncle said and chuckled.

Freddy grinned. “Aye, but they might try and—”

“I very much doubt they will look so foolish as to try and escort me back to Moorely. Absurd. Besides, I think I heard Warren already excuse himself. He told Newton that he was promised to friends for a luncheon, and I know Jasper has an appointment with Tuthill in town, because I was supposed to join him, and am just as pleased not to.”

Freddy’s face brightened. “Right then, I shall trust you to see Serena safely home.” He took Serena’s hand and bowed low over it. “Till later then.” He turned back to his uncle and said happily, “Thank you, Uncle Danny.”

Serena had observed all of this with interest. Was that guilt she saw flitting across his lordship’s face?

A moment later, Warren had taken a step towards Serena and said quietly, “Lady Channel tells me that you and she are friends. When I mentioned I was riding over to Moorely this morning, she told me to make certain I brought you along for lunch. Do come with me, Serena.”

“For one thing, I cannot ask his lordship to drive me there.”

He sighed. “No, I don’t suppose you could … but will you be comfortable enough alone with the blasted fellow?”

She laughed. “Indeed, I will.”

He eyed her strangely for a moment, “Upon my soul! Is it like that, then?”

“Like what, you horrid man?” she put up her chin.

Jasper called out, “Come on … if you are riding to town with me, we must be off.”

His lordship walked over to Jasper and quickly explained as Serena watched them nod and frown. Warren took her attention at that moment as he bent over her hand and said softly, “I hope, Serena, that I read matters incorrectly. I really don’t wish to see you hurt.”

She said nothing to this as she watched him leave, but it troubled her. Was she so obvious? Had his lordship noticed her decided preference for his company? Oh my, how humiliating if he has. No. Why should she be embarrassed? She turned and found his lordship, his large, strong arm bent to receive her hand.

She hesitated, and he took her gloved fingers and boldly linked them through his arm. “Time to go. You must be getting hungry. I know … I am,” he said with dalliance in his blue eyes and the curving of his lips.

His mouth was sensuous and his voice was a caress. She was, she knew, lost. She couldn’t speak, so she didn’t answer him. She discovered that even the light touch of his hands on her waist as he helped her into the open curricle sent a rushing river of sensation through her system that she could not deny to herself. Here was the man who made her want to give herself body and soul.

A few moments went by, and then she cleared her throat to ask when he took the horse off the main pike to a wide dirt bridle path, “What are you doing? I am not sure you can get through this shortcut with a curricle.”

“Ah, Newton tells me that we can.” He frowned. “I know it is a little bumpy, and I am sorry for it.” He stopped the big cob leading the curricle, put on the brake, and turned to her as he set aside the reins.
