Page 40 of Serena

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Didn’t he have to? If he looked in the mirror afterwards, would he be able to excuse himself? No, he didn’t think he would.

It was not his style. He simply had to find another way. Even so … he meant to see her.

He hadn’t gotten very far across the open grassy field when he saw a rider on a magnificent black horse careening towards him. The rider looked as though he didn’t have control of his animal.

As he got closer, he saw that rider was dressed in britches but was none other than Serena Moorely, and he hurried to get in the way and slow her horse down.

Rogue saw him coming but, instead of slowing, picked up speed. Serena saw his lordship’s approach and tugged gently on the reins, but the black horse was in the heat of his run. Apparently, a tug on the reins was not going to do it.

His lordship angled his horse trying to block the black steed and make him at least slow his pace if not stop.

* * *

It all happened so fast, Serena was unable to manage him under her legs and with her hands. Rogue saw at once that his straight path had an obstacle in his way, but instead of slowing, he swerved sharply to the right in order to get around and continue his run.

Serena shouted out to him, “Stand aside!” as she held on as best she could. Suddenly, the black was in the air with a buck that, had she not been holding on for her life, she would have been calling beautiful. The black came down and swerved into his original line, and Serena was thrown hard.

She went flying and landed on terra firma with a resounding thump.

She groaned and closed her eyes. The wind had been thoroughly knocked out of her, and all she could do was to just lie there for a moment as she tried to recoup and breathe.

Rogue decided that this was all very terrifying and ran for the woods!

Her eyes were closed when suddenly she felt his lordship beside her. She opened one eye and saw that he was on his knee and putting an arm under her back. She opened both eyes and said, “Ugh, why did you do that? Did you not hear me telling you to get out of the way?”

“No, I thought you were screaming for help,” he said on a frown. “Are you all right? Have you been hurt, Serena?”

“No, no, just mildly bruised,” she said as she started to get up. He put a steadying arm around her and helped her to her feet. She looked around, sighed, and asked, “Which way did he go?”

“Towards the woods. Are you saying you were not out of control?”

“Yes, I am saying that, at least not until you blocked Rogue’s path …”

“Come on then. We’ll go fetch him,” he said and led her to his horse grazing a few feet away.

“What, you want me to ride behind you?” She made a face.

“Or wait here till I fetch him and bring him back to you,” his lordship suggested.

The idea of standing in the middle of a field and waiting did not appeal to her. She would rather help look for her horse. “No, I’ll go with you,” she said.

“Right, let me give you a leg up,” he said and bent over with his hands together.

She put her boot in his cupped hands and on the count of three was hoisted into his saddle. She slid herself backwards and behind his saddle as he mounted and he said, “Hold tight, Serena.”

She did just that.

Oh, what was wrong with her? His scent was inviting, a musky, masculine scent, and she took a deep breath. She had her arms around his trim waist, but his back, his broad back, was there for her to rest her face, and she did just that. She hadn’t been more than bruised and was certain she would feel worse later in the day, but at least the bruises were minor. She had, however, been severely winded, and it was good to just rest her head against his strong back.

“Ah, there he is …” his lordship said thankfully as he slowed his horse to a quiet walk and began talking to the black, “There, lad, easy boy …?


Serena whispered, “Let me just slide off and casually approach him.”

“Yes,” he agreed and helped her gently down before he dismounted himself.

She waited till he tethered his horse and then lightly made her way towards the black, calling lightly, “There, Rogue, did you have a good run? Would you like to meet his lordship’s horse … you would like that, wouldn’t you …”
