Page 89 of Madcap Miss

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He smiled but said a bit more seriously, “Aye, but she did seem … more upset than her norm.”

“However could you tell?” Kitty teased.

Harry snorted and said, “Years of experience with the both of you. Lord, but the capers you have put the poor woman through, ’tis a wonder she doesn’t have a permanent twitch. Now, come on, my girl, or she’ll break out in hives.”

“Hives? No, really, is she that upset?” Kitty’s hand fluttered. . “I wonder if it is because Henrietta’s father is due this afternoon. But she didn’t seem upset about it before.”

“I’m not sure what it is, but I rather thought she was concerned,” he clucked. “Come on, let’s not keep her waiting any longer. I’ll ride with you and lend my support, if you like.”

“I do like, and it is the price you have to pay for having found me,” she bantered.

“Aye, and for my curiosity,” he said ruefully as he watched her mount her horse. He then hoisted himself up on his and said, “Come on, let’s make short work of it.”
