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“That’s a bit presumptuous, don’t you think?”

“I like to think of it as optimistic.”

As his jeans hit the floor and she saw his thumbs disappear into the waistband of his briefs, Kirsty felt sweat break out on her brow.

“Please tell me that you didn’t buy the condoms from the chemist here in town?”

“Where else would I get them?”

He stepped out of his underwear and Kirsty could see enough of him in the darkness to make her mouth go dry. He was perfect. Complete and utter male perfection. She tried to focus on the conversation instead of the sight of him coming towards her.

“We’ll be the talk of the town,” she complained as Lake sat on the bed beside her.

“What makes you think people will assume I bought them for you?”

“Well, duh, the fact you were hanging out of my window practically naked.”

“Yeah, there is that.”

He lay down beside her.

“This is what I want,” he said with a rumble.

His mouth clamped on hers as his hand ran down her body. She couldn’t help flinching when his touch hit her scars.

“This isn’t going to work if you jump every time I get near a scar,” he said.

“I know.”

She just didn’t know what to do to stop it.

“How about we start with the scars first and get them out of the way?”

Lake nudged her to sit on the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of her. His hand was on the side of her neck that had a criss-cross of tiny white scars. Kirsty clenched her hands in front of her to stop from yanking his hand away from her.

“Tell me about these ones,” he said.

Kirsty couldn’t think.

“Tell me,” he said again.

She swallowed, but her mouth was too dry.

“Glass,” she said at last. “There was shattered glass. I was cut. A lot.”

He leaned towards her marked skin and kissed her. Then he ran the tip of his tongue over it until he reached her ear.

“You taste like sherbet,” he whispered, making her shudder.

Then he was gone again, but not his touch. His touch never left her. He ran his hand over her shoulder to her back.

“This feels like a big one. What’s that?”

He traced the scar that started beneath her shoulder blade and curved around her side.

“The door, a piece of the door.”

“You must have lost a lot of blood.”
