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“You took your time,” Lake said by way of hello.

“I’m a busy man,” John told him. “What? Did you think I would drop everything and do your bidding?”

Lake grunted.

“How’s it going with raising the cash?” John said.

“Fine,” Lake said as he reached for a bottle of water. “I’m on schedule.”

“Your enthusiasm underwhelms me,” John said.

Lake said nothing. Truth be told, he would miss Invertary more than he liked to acknowledge.

“Don’t worry about the money,” he told John.

“Good, because there are other guys queuing to get in on this.”

“Yeah, but none of them would be as good as me.”

John’s laughter barked in his ear.

“That’s true. But seriously, Lake, you need to get a move on. I’ve got some heavyweight clients lined up for the new year. This business is going to take off fast. We’ll be number one in international private security within the year. Mark my words.”

“I always do,” Lake said. “I marked them well that time you told us that the enemy was miles away and then we practically walked right over them.”

“One little mistake,” John grumbled. “You’ll forget all about that once we’re Prentice and Benson—security specialists.”

Lake grinned.

“Benson and Prentice,” he said. “My name has to come first. I’m the skill in this operation. It won’t take long for all those high-flying clients of yours to figure out that you couldn’t find your own backside with a map and a flashlight.”

“Funny. But right now the business is just Prentice Security. The name doesn’t change until I have cash in my hand.”

“You’ll get your money. It’s under control.” Lake took a long drink of water. “What’s the story on Kirsty’s scumbag ex?”

John whistled.

“You were right to be worried,” he said.

“Not worried. Curious.”

“Whatever. The guy is in it up to his neck. He was smuggling for some pretty serious people and got sticky fingers. Word is that he’s paid it all back now, but that means he’s broke again. He’s gone through your girlfriend’s money like water.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“As I said. Whatever. The point is, this guy is more dangerous than he looks. As far as I can gather, he’s desperate—and we both know how unpredictable desperate can be.”

“He isn’t likely to come near Kirsty again,” Lake said as his eyes narrowed. “He cleaned her out. She doesn’t have any money.”

“It’s probably a good thing she doesn’t,” John said. “I’d keep an eye out for him anyway. As for the accident, you were right. It wasn’t one.”

Lake clenched his jaw.

“There was one witness, an old woman. She saw another car force them off the road. It was swept under the carpet. I think money changed hands.”

It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Kirsty’s scumbag ex had crossed too many of the wrong people. They’d had enough of him.

“Bet there were some grim faces when he was the one who walked away from the wreck,” he said tightly.
