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She quickly tacked the silk material so she could pick up where she left off. She checked herself in the mirror behind her office door, fluffed her short hair, pulled the neck of her jumper up to her chin, made sure the sleeves were down properly and smoothed out her long skirt. She was covered. It was fine. With a deep breath, she went to greet her latest customer. She’d been hoping that the spread in the paper would generate more business. Instead there had been a steady stream of women gawking through the windows in Betty’s shop all day long. It made her blood boil to think that her last bit of spare cash had gone on an idea that had backfired. An idea that had unwittingly helped the enemy.

As though her thoughts had conjured him up, Lake Benson was leaning against the counter. Kirsty frowned. He grinned and waved a copy of the paper. She stopped dead. For a second, it seemed like the sensible thing to do would be to run. She told herself not to be an idiot and walked towards him instead.

“Loved your ad,” he said sweetly. “How’s it working out for you?”

Kirsty frowned as she glanced around the empty shop.

“Great. This is just a wee slow patch.”

She folded her arms over her green sweater and stood as tall as she could. Normally her height advantage helped in situations that unnerved her, and she was sure it would have helped in dealing with Lake—if he didn’t have a couple of inches on her.

“Good to hear,” he said cheerily. “Thought I’d pop in and thank you. Your ad is helping my business no end. It’s generated a lot of interest in the shop and we’re not even open yet. Still, I’m sure they’ll come back.”

Kirsty bit her tongue to stop herself from answering. There were no words in her head polite enough to say.

Lake’s blue eyes did that twinkling thing that unnerved her. She was one big ball of entertainment for the guy.

“Of course,” he continued blithely, “it isn’t just the ad that’s helping.”

He opened the paper to the double-page spread. Kirsty wanted to melt into the carpet. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

“I’m sure there are a lot of women in town who’d like to buy lingerie from someone who has—and I’m quoting here...” He cleared his throat as if he was imparting sage information. “‘Movie star looks and charm that could get you out of your underwear in ten seconds flat.’“

His triumphant smile made Kirsty scan her surroundings for something to brain him with.

“So,” he said in that smarmy boarding school voice of his, “you think I have movie star looks? More importantly, you think I have the ability to charm you out of your underwear? Now that’s interesting.”

“No, it isn’t interesting. Not in the slightest. In fact, you’re boring me to tears here. It was taken out of context, as most things in the paper are—keep that in mind while you’re primping your ego.”

He pushed away from the counter and swaggered towards her. Kirsty made a big deal out of feigning a yawn while her heart picked up the pace. Lake stood inches from her, and although she wanted to flee and lock herself in her office, possibly to never come out ever again, she stood her ground.

“Do you think I could get you out of your underwear in ten seconds flat?”

“No.” Of that she was certain at least.

“No?” He did that eyebrow-raising thing that made her want to hit him.


“That’s interesting, Kirsty girl,” he said. “Because I have it in black and white that you think otherwise.”

He waved the paper under her nose to make his point. For a second she thought of snatching it and using it to wipe that cocky smile off his face.

“I was referring to other women. Weaker women who are more susceptible to your charms.”

“But you think I have charm.”

“Sure.” She gave a dismissive shrug. “I’ve seen it work on Betty.”

He made a little choking noise that made her think he was swallowing a laugh.

“But not on you?”

She shook her head. Suddenly, she was weary of the whole conversation. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she moved behind her counter. Lake’s eyes narrowed, as though he could read her mind and see that she wanted a barrier between them.

“That feels a lot like a challenge,” he said softly.

“Of course you would think that. You’re a man. You reason with your ego and think with your...”
