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Kirsty’s mouth hung open.

“You left me unconscious in hospital and never even came to visit,” she said. “Not to mention you stole all my money.”

He took a step backwards out of the tent door, motioning for her to follow and, like an idiot, she did. The icy wind bit her skin as she left the warmth of the tent. Kirsty folded her arms against the cold, and Brandon.

“I made mistakes,” he said. “I owed too much money to guys who wanted to break my legs. I felt cornered. I reacted badly and caused you harm. I’m sorry,”

His eyes were pleading with her, begging her to forgive him. He seemed genuine, but Kirsty also remembered a time when it’d seemed like he’d loved her. She no longer took anything he did, or said, at face value.

He ran a hand over his brown hair and Kirsty noticed that it wasn’t as perfectly groomed as it used to be. Now that she thought about it, there were a lot of details about him that were different. He had a kind of panicked look and his clothes weren’t as expensive, or polished, as they’d once been.

“Look,” he said. “I know it isn’t the best time, but why don’t we go somewhere and have a coffee? We can talk through things. I owe you that.” He sighed heavily. “It’s the very least I owe you.”

Kirsty hesitated. She had questions. There were answers that she wanted. She bit her lip as she thought about it. For some reason, going anywhere alone with her ex-fiancé did not appeal at all.

“Just one cup of coffee,” he said with a self-deprecating smile. “We can talk about old times. We did have fun, didn’t we?”

“I don’t want to talk about old times,” Kirsty told him.

“Give me half an hour,” he said, but his tone was a little intense.

The hair on Kirsty’s arms stood on end.

“You came all thi

s way to have half an hour with me?” she said as people bustled around them.

“It’s more than I deserve after what I did,” he said. “I’m a different man now, you have to believe me. All I want is half an hour to explain.” He paused. “Let’s go to your flat. We can talk there.” He looked around and smiled. “We definitely won’t get any privacy here.”

He turned and motioned for her to walk in front of him. Kirsty took a tiny step. And then she saw it. The look in his eye. The smirk clawing at his lips. Her palms began to tingle and everything within her screamed that she shouldn’t go anywhere with this man and definitely not alone.

“How about we meet tomorrow?” she said. In daylight. With a chaperone.

“I don’t have that much time. I have to leave in the morning. Now is best for me.”

Her eyebrows arched.

“You can’t give me tomorrow?”

His eyes hardened briefly. Kirsty flinched slightly.

“I need to talk now,” he said tightly. “You can escape for half an hour, can’t you?”

Kirsty took a step backwards and shook her head.

“I’m really busy. Tomorrow works better. If you can’t make it, that’s your problem.”

He let out a long sigh and shook his head.

“In all the years I knew you and you weren’t suspicious about anything, and now you’re suddenly cautious,” he said pleasantly.

Kirsty was confused. She wasn’t sure what was going on. She took another step back towards the marquee door. She could see her mother standing on the stool beside the entrance. Her focus on the stage.

“I’m going now,” she told Brandon. “If you want to talk to me, come back tomorrow.”

His smile was cold.

“That isn’t going to work for me.”
