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“You can’t have a Bond-themed launch without a Bond girl,” she told him.

He wondered if he was the only person that noticed her bottom lip trembled as she spoke.

“No, you can’t,” he said.

Her shoulders relaxed slightly. Had she been wondering if he would turn her away? Silly woman. He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear.

“I hope you’re naked under there.”

Her genuine smile surprised them both.

“Better,” she teased.

Lake wasn’t sure what could be better than naked. He put a hand on her shoulder so that all the other drooling men would back off.

“What now?” he said.

“Now, I fight back,” she said, but her voice shook on the words.

He squeezed her shoulder.

“Boys,” she called to the newspaper reporters, “Lake was missing a Bond girl, and I’m only too happy to help him out.”

“No way,” one of them gaped. “Is that Kirsty Campbell?”

The photographers stepped in closer.

Lake felt her take a deep, shuddering breath as she turned towards the cameras. Slowly and seductively, she opened her coat to bare the whole left side of her body. She arched her back slightly, bent her knee and pointed her toe. Then she lowered her chin and pouted at the camera. Each movement was subtle. It could have been crass and over the top, but it wasn’t. It was amazing. Lake stepped towards her, moving around to her right side so that the cameras could get a better shot of her left. She held her coat tight at her neck with her right hand. Lake put his arm around her shoulder and leaned into her.

“You’re stealing my publicity,” he said in admiration.

“Yeah,” she sounded surprised. “I guess I am.”

“How about a shot from a different angle?” one of the reporters shouted.

He felt her stiffen, but her smile seemed relaxed.

“This is all you’re getting, boys. It’s been years and I’m old and rusty.”

There was laughter from the crowd and calls of “you tell them, Kirsty girl” and “you don’t look old to me”, plus one guy shouted “if you’re rusty I’ll oil you”, which made Lake look for him in the crowd.

“Come on,” said the camera guy, “give us one more shot and we’ll fight for a double

-page spread.”

Kirsty hesitated. She cast a glance, with barely concealed panic, towards Lake. His eyes narrowed. Kirsty had run out of ideas. With more of a smirk than a smile, Lake turned towards the photographers.

“I’ve got the perfect shot for you,” he told the guy.

He snaked his arm around Kirsty’s waist and heard her yelp with surprise. He tipped her back, just like they did in all those dumb old movies, and then he kissed the living daylights out of her. As proud as he was to see her fight properly for a change, he felt a whole lot better being the one in control. The crowd went wild. Kirsty wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her body up into his and with a deep, sensual growl, she kissed him back. Well and truly kissed him back. It took his breath away.

At last they separated. As Lake put Kirsty back on her feet, he felt breathless and a little dazed. To his disgust, apart from swollen lips and a flush in her cheeks, Kirsty looked very much in control.

“You’re not the only one who can kiss, soldier boy,” she said with a sultry wink.

Lake was struck dumb. This Kirsty, the one he’d thought was lurking under the scared one, was better than he’d ever hoped possible. He gave her a long, slow smile full of promise. He wasn’t going to let her hide behind that wimpy exterior again. Not now he knew what she was capable of. Kirsty’s eyes flared wide before she pulled her coat tight around her and turned her back on him.

“Now, would anyone like to see what’s on sale in Eye Candy?” she called.
