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There was a roar, and just like that the townsfolk left his shop and followed her.

Lake watched her go while his feet twitched with the need to follow her. He wanted to get his hands on her before she remembered that they were at war, and that it wasn’t over yet. And he definitely wanted to get her alone before she talked herself out of kissing him again. He took a step towards Kirsty’s shop when he felt a sharp pain in his left ankle.

“What was that for?” he demanded of his evil little helper.

The crowd disappeared into Kirsty’s shop. He’d missed his window of opportunity. He scowled at Betty.

“That’s for selling out to the enemy,” Betty said. “I don’t know what they’re teaching you lot in the English army these days, but this isn’t how you run a war, laddie. Which side do you want to win this thing? Well?”

“Ours. Mine. What do you think?”

“I think you’re acting like a lovestruck boy on his first crush. Buck up or I’ll have to fight on my own again.”

With that she stormed down the hill towards her wee cottage—with the cardboard cut-out of him in a tux under her arm. Lake shook his head slightly. He wasn’t even going to ask what she planned to do with his picture. And he definitely didn’t want it back when she was done. With a frustrated grunt, he turned his back on the party over the road—his party, the one he’d paid for—and strode into his shop. He’d have to deal with Kirsty later, and he wasn’t sure he could wait that long.

Once inside the shop, Lake was surprised to find that Rainne was tallying up the day’s takings. He thought she’d be long gone. Or hiding in some corner, lamenting the fact he’d ridden into town.

“We made a lot of money,” she told him with a grin. “People loved the place.” She paused for a minute. “You did a great job. You were right about everything. You’re better at this than I am.”

The wind went out of him. All he’d ever really wanted was to see her happy and settled. In his mind she was still the five-year-old who’d cried and held him tight when he’d told her he was leaving for the army. And he was going to make her cry again. Because when he left, her dreams went with him. A pang of guilt made his stomach clench. He forced himself to swallow it as he affectionately ruffled his sister’s mad hair.

“We make a good team,” he told her.

He knew he was overcompensating for his plans. His statement was generous, especially considering her part in the team mainly consisted of crying and whining.

“Maybe tomorrow we can go over some of my plans—you know, for more environmentally friendly underwear?”

“Does that mean you recycle it? Because that sounds seriously wrong.”

“No, stupid. Sustainable materials. I think it could be big. We could be the only shop in Scotland that specialises in fair-trade lingerie.”

She looked so happy that Lake didn’t want to burst her bubble. At some point he had to tell her he was selling the shop. He looked at her hopeful face—it wouldn’t be today.

“Sure,” he said. “We can talk tomorrow.”

“Great!” She threw her arms around him and hugged tight.

“You coming, Rainne?” Alastair said from the back of the shop.

Rainne beamed at him.

“Be right with you,” she said.

“Alastair?” Lake said.

“He’s nice.” Rainne blushed and looked away.

A few seconds later they were gone, leaving Lake with an empty shop. He looked out the window to find the party was still going strong at Kirsty’s place. She’d stolen his advertising and his launch day. Lake pulled at his bow tie as he went up the stairs to his flat. He couldn’t help grinning. Kirsty Campbell knew how to fight after all. He couldn’t wait to see what she did next.

“That was a bit mad,” Alastair said as he reached for Rainne’s hand.

Rainne smiled at him. He had a way of making her feel light, like she was a schoolgirl again.

“A bit,” she said. “And slightly gross. It’s not every day you watch your big brother play tonsil hockey for the cameras.”

“Aye, I can see where you would find it a bit disconcerting.”

“A bit!” she scoffed as they headed to the loch. “Kirsty was practically naked and he was in a tux. That image was burned into my retinas. I may never get over it.”
