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“Wait.” Kirsty hated herself for even trying to negotiate with the little reprobate. “There must be something else you want. Something that isn’t disgusting.”

The grin he gave her made her want to take a bath.

“How about a date with Magenta?”

“Done,” Kirsty said without even blinking.

Gordon looked astonished.

“Really?” he said.

“Careful, Gordon, your teenage years are showing.”

“I mean, that’s great.” He tried to look all macho and failed.

“Now,” she said as she handed him a flash drive, “the photos are coming soon. Your Granny will get them to you. This has the email that I want you to send to every woman on the competition list. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“Your granny will be in touch about when you’re to go to Lake’s shop. Do exactly what she tells you or there will be trouble.”

She wasn’t sure he was taking her seriously enough. He frowned at the thumb drive, then at her.

“When’s my date with Magenta?” he said.

“I’ll get her to call you,” Kirsty said.

His eyes narrowed.

“You better, Kirsty Campbell, or I’ll be hacking into your computer next and causing all sorts of havoc.”

Kirsty pulled herself up to her full height and stared down at the boy.

“You need to work on that attitude, Gordon,” she told him primly. “I can tell you for a fact, if it doesn’t change girls will never come near you.”

He laughed.

“Of course they will. I’m thirteen and I’m already rich.”

There was no talking to the boy. She just hoped Magenta could sort him out.

“Don’t mess this up,” she warned before walking towards home.

She had better things to think about than an annoying boy. Nope, she had her hands full thinking about an annoying man.

It didn’t take long for Lake to spot he was being followed. Around three seconds, to be exact. For a start the woman wore a bright yellow jacket and every time he glanced her way she became completely fascinated by whatever tree, wall or cloud was nearest her. That and the fact she had a bloody huge camera slung around her neck were little clues that were hard to miss. Lake smiled as he ran towards the loch. There was no way she could keep up. Whatever scheme the women in Invertary were currently hatching, it would have to wait until he went for his run.

His legs stretched into a long stride as he hit the road beside the loch. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the light reflect off another lens. Another woman. This time dressed head to toe in black, wearing a headscarf and trying to pretend her camera was invisible. Lake grinned as he ran. The town was full of lunatics. It was entertaining, that was for sure. He pushed his run longer than usual and arrived back at his shop an hour later. And, lo and behold, there was another woman with a camera. As he pushed open the door to his shop, she came running over to him.

“Lake,” she said. “Would you mind posing for a couple of pictures?”

“What’s it for?” he asked as he went into the store.

He wanted to check that the latest shipment of lingerie had arrived as planned. Rainne gave him a thumbs-up as soon as she saw him. He let himself relax—slightly. At this rate the shop would be showing enough profit by Christmas to make a sale attractive to buyers. He wouldn’t make anything on what he’d put into the place, but at least he would free up his money again. And in time for when he needed it. That was the most important part.

“So,” the little woman beside him said as she trotted along to keep up with his pace. “Can I take some pictures?”

“I asked: what is it for?” Lake said.
