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Harry’s shoulders tensed. If Matt talked her out of spending two whole days alone with him, he’d string his cousin from a tree.

Magenta sighed and rubbed her temples. “I can’t leave an amateur alone in the mine. Plus, you and I both know how much trouble he can cause when he’s left unsupervised.”

“Hey, I’m not a kid anymore,” Harry complained. He didn’t like that Magenta saw him as one. He was all man. Her man. He frowned as he planned a way to make her see that.

“Fine.” Matt sounded annoyed. “What do you need? I’ll have the twins fetch it.”

“I’ve got everything. I leave supplies in here in case I want to spend the night.” She looked at Harry. “Or in case I have to spend time down here with someone who’s injured or stuck. We’re fine for a couple of days. If you can’t get the door open by then, we’ll have to go to plan B.”

Harry couldn’t resist. He had to ask. “What’s plan B?”

Magenta folded her arms. “A tranquiliser shot. Enough to make you comply, but not enough to knock you out.”

Harry burst out laughing. “Yeah, good luck getting near me with a needle.”

He could have sworn he heard her growl.

“There will be someone out here around the clock in case you need anything. Shout if you do,” Matt said.

“I need my head examined, that’s what I need,” Magenta muttered.

She walked back over to Harry and plopped to the ground beside him. “Feed me,” she ordered.

Harry couldn’t contain his grin as he pulled the picnic basket towards them.

As Harry started emptying the basket, Magenta reached into her pack and retrieved the low-energy lantern. It had the same sort of output as a couple of candles, which was more than enough light to see what they were doing. Unfortunately, it also meant she could see Harry clearly.

His broad shoulders flexed as he unpacked the picnic. His face held pure delight. The same look she’d seen as a kid every time he’d told her about something else he’d discovered. It sent a pang of longing through her that was so intense it was painful.

“Sandwiches, salads, meats, fruit, cake, cookies, crackers, cheese…” He grew more excited with each item he unpacked.

“What are you doing in here with a picnic basket? And how many people were you planning to feed?” Magenta nabbed a chocolate chip cookie.

“Only us.”

His big eyes caught hers and her breath stuttered. “Th

e picnic was for me?”

He nodded without breaking eye contact. “I didn’t plan to eat in here. I thought we’d sit outside under a tree. Betty said you were taking photos and suggested I surprise you with food.”

The cookie was dry in her mouth. She swallowed hard. She wasn’t sure what surprised her more: the fact he’d brought her food or the fact he’d taken advice from Betty. “Consider me shocked as hell.”

He gave her that sexy smile that made her mouth water, and Magenta had a hard time returning her attention to the food.

“You didn’t plan on being in the mine, but you packed an emergency bag?”

He shrugged. “Always be prepared. Boy Scout motto.”

“You were kicked out of the Boy Scouts after you blew up their hut.”

“Yeah, they weren’t prepared for that.” His delighted grin almost made her laugh.

Magenta chewed the cookie thoughtfully. “Want to tell me why you were bringing me food when I told you clearly that I have no intention of restarting a friendship with you?”

There was a moment of silence as she became the focus of Harry’s full attention. Part of her wanted to jump up and run. She fought to stay still. To listen to what he had to say to her.

Slowly, those silver eyes of his turned black. “I totally agree. I don’t think we can be friends.”
