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“So, you don’t love him?”

She shook her head then sighed. Why not go the whole hog and wail too? “No, I do love him. I’ve always loved him. I just don’t see how we can have a future. We’re too different. I couldn’t even finish high school, whereas Harry has a whole alphabet after his name.”

Kirsty came up beside her and squeezed her shoulder. “There’s all kinds of intelligence, Magenta. Just because you didn’t do well in academia, doesn’t mean you’re ignorant. You can do things Harry can’t do.”


“Like get within three miles of a rat.” Kirsty grinned.

Magenta smiled back at her friend as the worry within her lessened some. “Heard about that, huh?”

“Wish I’d seen it.” Kirsty looked almost wistful.

“I think Claire saved the file. She can email it to you. It might be up on YouTube by now anyway.”

Kirsty gave her shoulders another squeeze. “Don’t worry about things so much. They have a way of working out. And don’t think you are any less than Harry because he has degrees and you don’t. That’s a crazy way to think.”

Magenta shrugged out from under her friend’s arm. “You’re right. I’m turning into a sissy.”

Kirsty shook her head. “Not what I said.” She moved to pick up the box she’d dropped, her eyes straying to the shop door. “Customer,” Kirsty told her. “Try not to scare her away.”

“I can’t promise anything.” Magenta turned to the front of the shop and her heart sank. Excellent. Executive Barbie. Magenta didn’t bother plastering a fake smile on her face. Rachel wasn’t worth the effort.

Harry’s friend and business manager sailed through the door like a despot ruler gracing the plebs with her presence.

“Magenta.” It was amazing how much distaste she could squeeze into one word. “I’d like to have a word with you about Harry.”

“Again?” Magenta rolled her eyes dramatically. The twins would have been proud. “Haven’t we already done this? I can’t even begin to express how not interested I am in doing it again.”

“Be that as it may,” Rachel said, and Magenta took a minute to wonder how there were actually people out there that said that kind of thing. “But Harry is about to sign a lease on new office space, and I can’t allow that to happen. Moving to Invertary is a mistake. We both know that.” Her lip actually curled up when she said “Invertary.”

“I don’t know if it’s a mistake or not, Rachel. I’m not involved with your business.”

“Exactly.” She tapped her chin, flashing her perfect French manicure. “Harry did mention that the workings of the business would be over your head. He said that you hadn’t even finished high school.” Her smile was cold. “Please forgive me if what I’m about to explain is difficult for you to comprehend. I’m more used to dealing with people who are educated.”

Magenta was vaguely aware of Kirsty sucking in a shocked breath. She ignored it as she clenched her fists into tight, tension-filled balls by her side.

Magenta ground her teeth. “Do you have a point?”

Rachel’s eyes turned cold and her voice dropped. Her haughty tone was gone.

“My point is that you need to back off from Harry. He’s got a life in London, a business to run, contracts to fulfil. People depending on him. Instead of spending his time dealing with all of that, he’s chasing his high school crush. A crush who has made it painfully obvious she isn’t suited to him.” She folded her arms and drummed her fingers on her biceps. “Tell him to go to London. Tell him there’s no chance with you. Make it clear. And for the love of all things Prada, do it before he ties us to a lease on an office that none of us want.”

Magenta worked to take calming breaths. Whatever was happening, or not happening, between her and Harry was their business. No one else’s. His designer sidekick didn’t have the right to stick her nose in.

“And if I don’t do this?” Magenta’s tone was ice.

Rachel smirked. An honest-to-goodness, superior-as-all-out smirk. Magenta’s blood shot past boiling and straight to red steam. She was sure it spewed from her ears.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing with Harry, but do you honestly think you’ll fit into his world? That his friends will accept you? You won’t even understand the conversations we have. You can’t even read and write.”

Kirsty made a strangled noise. Magenta froze. Rachel smiled. Cold. Calculating.

“That’s right. He told me. The love of his life is so thick she can’t even read and write. A perfect match for one of the brightest brains of this generation, don’t you think?”

Every insecurity Magenta struggled with surged to the forefront of her mind. Her dirty secret was out. Now Kirsty knew that she’d hired an idiot. The thought burned. It actually physically burned. A searing pain in her stomach. How could Harry have done this to her? No. He couldn’t have. This wasn’t the kind of thing Harry would do. He’d never gossip about her to Rachel. Something else was going on here.

Rachel leaned in towards her. “Face facts, little girl—you are far too stupid
