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Agnes picked the envelope up off the table. “Does Jean give you an envelope full of money every month?”

“Oh.” Bernadette visibly relaxed. “Yes, she does.”

“See!” Jean pointed at the receptionist then folded her arms in triumph.

“And what do you do with the envelope?” Agnes said.

“Well.” Bernadette looked up as she concentrated on her answer. “Usually, I buy makeup for my tutorial videos, but one month I bought new lighting for my studio. Well, my bedroom, but that’s where I shoot my videos. The lights have made a huge difference to the quality of the recording. Everyone said they would, but I wasn’t sure until I tried. It’s so, so much better now.”

“You spent the money?” Jean gaped.

“Well, yeah.” Bernadette looked around at everyone. “Wasn’t I supposed to spend it? Did you want me to save it? You never said, but I thought what I did with it was up to me.”

The women started to argue, but Agnes held up a hand for silence. “Bernadette, why did you think Jean was giving you cash?”

“I thought it was a tip. Was I wrong?” She twisted her hands in front of her. “I mean, it’s okay if we get tips, isn’t it? It isn’t against the rules or anything. I don’t think…”

For a second, you could have heard a fly buzz.

“Why on earth would I give you a tip?” Jean said. “I’m not a hotel guest.”

“I thought it was because you appreciated my service.”

“What service?”

“You know, when you come in through the hotel lobby and I’m friendly and stuff. And when I help you carry out new bedding and bring back laundry. That sort of thing.”

“Wait. What?” Agnes turned back to Jean. “We’re doing your laundry?”

“No. Of course not. I just like the sheets here better than mine, so every week I borrow some and bring them back when I pick up new ones.”

Margaret groaned, Shona glared, and Heather reached out to smack Jean on the back of the head.

“Dougal never agreed to us borrowing sheets,” Heather said.

“I didn’t think he’d miss them.” Jean looked at Dougal. “Have I left you short?”

“This is unbelievable,” Agnes muttered.

“I’m confused,” Bernadette said. “It sounds like the money wasn’t a tip.”

That prompted groans all round.

It was time to take control of the three-ring circus happening in her office. Agnes held up her hands and shouted, “Right, things are going to change, starting now. Hand over your keys.” She pointed at Jean. “Anyone else have keys that I don’t know about?” There were shakes of heads. “No more taking toiletries,” she told them. “The arrangement you had with Dougal is over.”

“Well,” Heather said huffily, “I think that’s up to Dougal, not you.”

Agnes turned to her boss and, for the first time since she’d taken the job at his hotel, she let every bit of her irritation show on her face. She folded her arms, tapped her toe, and dared him to undermine her. Career at stake or not, she’d walk out the damn door if he did. “Dougal?”

He took a step back from her while tugging at the collar of his shirt. “I’m afraid I have to agree with my manager. This situation is making it difficult to keep track of stock.”

Agnes nodded her approval. That was the right answer.

“But where will we get our wee shampoos?” Shona said.


; “And those mini soaps. I love the mini soaps,” Margaret added.
