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Dimitri exploded again, struggling against his bonds and hitting his head off the side of the car. “Yeah, I know. Freaking awesome. Right?” She grinned at him. “Now stop thrashing around, you’ll hurt yourself.”

She flicked her phone on and sent a message to Callum—remembering to write in full sentences as he didn’t speak text.

Dimitri needs rescuing. She added two smiley faces, the photo she’d taken of him earlier and the address.

Callum’s reply was quick. What the hell?! Stop whatever you’re doing. Now!

“Callum seems worried,” she told Dimitri.

She leaned forward to place a kiss on his stubbled cheek. Her bag spilled into the boot. “Oops.” She grinned as she stuffed everything she needed back into the bag. Not the most reassuring of starts to her first job as an undercover gun-for-hire, but whatever.

With one last smile at the man, she closed the boot. Megan straightened her dress, ignored the thuds coming from the car and headed through the gate as her taxi pulled up. She climbed in the back, gave the driver Rudi’s address and settled in to watch the cherry tree lined street pass by. It was the middle of March and spring had hit London early. It was still chilly though, and Megan wished she’d planned for a coat in her disguise. Part of her brain acknowledged she was focusing on the mundane to stop herself from freaking out. She shoved that part down deep.

She saw the large ornate gates before she spotted the no-neck behemoth guarding them. He was dressed in a black suit, black shirt and black shades. He didn’t smile when she climbed out of the cab. Megan didn’t let it faze her. She looked up, up, up at the man and cocked her head.

“Take me to your leader,” she ordered.

And then she grinned.

Chapter Eighteen

Dimitri fought and struggled against his bonds. He was going to kill her when he was free. No. He was going to torture her, then kill her. What was she thinking? She was untrained, inexperienced. She was going to get herself killed. Fuck. She was going to get herself killed. He’d lose her. The same way he’d lost Katrina. No. No.

His forehead fell to the carpeted interior beneath him. Okay. He needed to think. She was only a few minutes ahead of him. He just had to get out of the car, get to her and put a stop to this insanity. He concentrated on the feel of the leather straps around his wrists. They weren’t too tight. Sure, they were attached to ankle straps and there was a ball gag in his mouth, so that made it difficult. He had a sudden flash of an image of a pig on a spit roast with an apple in its mouth, and groaned. He needed to get out of there. Get out. Save Megan. Then kill her personally.

His muscles were still shaky from the Taser blast, but he pulled at his restraints, focusing on the weak points. Nothing

happened. He let out a blaze of curses and tried again. Nearly there. Nearly there. He’d just about dislocated his shoulder when the boot popped open. The light made his eyes scrunch tight.

“Well, that isn’t something you see every day. You’ve got yourself in a bit of a spot there, son.”

“You shouldn’t mess with women. It never ends well.”

Dimitri blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Bill and Bob Granger were staring down at him with matching grins. Dimitri shouted at them to set him free. The words were a garbled mess, but the old men got the point. As Bob unclasped his gag, Bill worked on the buckles holding the rest of his restraints.

Bill held up the pink leather harness as Dimitri climbed out of the car. “Mind if I keep a hold of this?”

“I don’t give a crap what you do with it,” Dimitri snapped.

“The missus might get a kick out of this kinky stuff,” Bob said. “You can keep the gag though. That’s just unsanitary.”

“You’re lucky we were at the office,” Bill said. “You could have been stuck in there for hours and that would have been murder on your back.”

Bob nodded. “When Callum called we were happy to help out. This job is the most fun we’ve had in years.”

“And we can keep an eye on young Ryan,” Bill said.

Bob nodded. “That boy needs supervision.”

“We need more men,” Dimitri muttered as he reached into the boot for the phone Megan had tossed in beside him.

“What are we? Chopped liver?” Bill demanded.

Dimitri stared at them as he hit the speed dial for Callum on his throwaway cell. “Security specialists. We need more security specialists.”

“Well why didn’t you say that?” Bill grumbled.

“What the hell happened?” Callum shouted in Dimitri’s ear.
