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“I told you, I had two phones. I left the wrong one in the car with Dimitri. It was a mistake. I was in a hurry to get out of there and picked up my usual phone.”

This was exactly the kind of thing the guys were talking about. She relied far too much on chance and not enough on planning and training. That kind of attitude was a sure way to get yourself killed. In this business there was always a certain amount of risk, but training, planning and good backup minimised it. He was going to make damn sure Megan realised that fact.

“You and I are going to have a long talk later about all the risks you take,” Dimitri said against her ear. “Privately.”

She swallowed hard, but only made a token effort to get out of his grip.

“Just how big a threat is this guy?” Callum looked to Dimitri for the answer.

“Big.” Durand fit comfortably into the category labelled sociopath. “Story I heard was that, a few years ago, a guy in the States stole from him. Durand tracked him down. We’re talking bloodhound stuff here—he hunted the guy for months until he found him. Then he cut off his fingers, toes and tongue before slitting his throat. The guy was alive for days learning his ‘lesson’. Afterwards Durand made sure the message spread that no one gets the better of Reynard Durand. He will always find you and he will always exact revenge.”

Megan’s heart raced under his palm and he brushed his lips against her neck to reassure her. Durand would have to go through him to get to Megan. Delicate fingers curled around his wrist and she subtly shifted closer.

“Scotland,” Joe said. “He won’t forgive her for shooting him in the ass.”

“No.” Dimitri rubbed his thumb against her hip. “I was hoping he’d assume she was Claire and back off to let Rudi deal with her, but now he knows she’s Megan the chances of him leaving her alone are slim.”

“Great, we’ve got a psycho out for Megan. Just what we need.” Callum massaged the back of his neck.

“I can go back to Scotland,” Megan said. “Maybe if I just slip back into my old life, he won’t bother with me.”

Joe shook his head. “It’s too late now. He’s already warned you he’s coming. You’ll be more exposed in Scotland.”

“You’re staying here.” Dimitri made sure she heard the flint in his voice. There was no way she’d make him stand around helpless again while she was in danger. He was going to protect this woman whether she liked it or not.

“Bossy,” she grumbled, but stroked his arm at the same time.

“Got it!” Elle stopped typing and looked over at them. “He tracked her GPS. He has this address.” Her lips thinned. “Someone downloaded her contacts this afternoon. They know who she works for and where the office is. They also hacked her email and phone accounts.”

Dimitri heard a buzzing in his ears and it took him a minute to register it was his blood beginning to boil.

“I’m such an idiot,” Megan muttered to herself.

He cupped Megan’s chin and tilted her face back to his. Guilt. Her eyes were full of it.

“Yeah, this time you are.” He gave it to her straight.

She nodded, taking it on the chin and making him proud.

“We’re compromised. We need to get out of here. Pack it up.” Callum stood as he gave the order.

Rachel came back into the room, trailing a carry-on suitcase behind her. She was dressed in cream slacks and a cream off the shoulder sweater and her usual dominatrix heels.

“I heard,” she said as she walked into the middle of the room. She shook her head at Megan. “Idiot.”

“I know,” Megan said.

“I’ll get Julia. We’ll catch up with you downstairs.” Joe stalked past them, no doubt in order to search all of Rachel’s closets for their office manager.

Dimitri felt Megan slump against him. Defeated. Her spark had taken a hit, but these were lessons she needed to learn if she was going to work in the field. He eyed Callum. “What about them being fired?”

Callum clearly wasn’t happy with the situation. “Nobody’s fired. Yet. We need to sort this mess first before we deal with anything else. Let’s go.”

Elle grinned and shot Megan a thumbs up gesture, but Megan barely smiled in return. Good. She needed to take this seriously. She needed to feel the impact of her actions and decisions.

“I’ve booked two suites at the Savoy,” Rachel said.

Savoy? Dimitri arched an eyebrow at the woman. “We’re hiding out at one of London’s most exclusive hotels?”
