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The elevator doors opened onto the plush lobby. “No word on that. They were still checking the building when they called.”

They strode through the Art Deco interior, with its black and white tiled floor and geometric decoration. “How come no one got us for the team meeting?”

“I cancelled it when information started to come in from Rudi’s flash drive.”

Dimitri stalled briefly. “Anything I need to know?”

“Not yet, but I had to spend time making calls, pulling in favours to check out some of the threads Elle unravelled.” He gave Dimitri an even look. “We’ll go over it all in the morning, but as soon as we have a bead on your sister’s location, you’ll be the first to hear about it.”

It wasn’t anything Dimitri didn’t already know, but the waiting was harder the closer he got to knowing the truth about Katrina.

“We need to get her back.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

“We will.” It was a promise. One heavy with deadly intent.

By the time they’d made it to the front door, their car had been brought around and was waiting for them, key in the ignition.

“You drive,” Callum barked. “I need to call Lake and Harry. Let them know that this new business of ours is going to hell.”

Dimitri didn’t think Lake would be surprised or upset. In the few years the ex-SAS specialist had lived in the Highlands he’d managed to set fire to a shop, ruin a Christmas market and have a shootout at the castle. There was a reason Lake didn’t blink when things went south—he’d seen it all before.

They made it to the office in record time, driving through central London fast enough to set off every speed camera in their path. They found a place to park down the street from the office and fought their way through the crowds of onlookers. The police had cordoned off an area outside their building. Yellow tape, flashing lights. The whole shebang.

Callum strode up to the familiar face that was clearly in charge.

“Tessa,” he said. “What’s the damage?”

This time the tall woman was dressed in a pristine uniform, making her rank clear. She inclined her head. “Vandalism. Your new renovations are trashed.” Her eyes narrowed. “We thought it was a robbery until the bastards fired at my guys. Then boom. You’ve lost your ground floor reception area.”

Dimitri glanced around him, noting the armed response unit in amongst the rest of the group.

“Trouble seems to follow Benson Security,” the woman said to Callum. “Want to tell me who’s behind this raid?”

“We had the meet with Rudi this afternoon.” Callum kept his voice low. “Megan took things into her own hands. Let’s just say Rudi won’t be raping anyone again.”

Tessa’s body visibly tensed. “Dead?”

“No, Tess, she…” Callum trailed off. He looked at Dimitri. “Help me out here.”

“Nuh, uh. I can’t even think about it.”

With a look of disgust, Callum turned back to the police commander. “It had something to do with a very tight elastic band and a piece of his anatomy.”

Dimitri watched Callum’s hands twitch as he fought the urge to cover his crotch—exactly as Dimitri was doing.

“Is she insane?” Tessa said with a hiss.


“Hey!” Dimitri snapped. “I’m the only one who gets to call her nuts. Back off.”

Two identical, incredulous looks were his response. As Megan would say, whatever. Folding his arms, he glared at them, making it clear they had better back off Megan. The Scottish lunatic was his.

Tessa muttered something about Neanderthal men, while Callum turned his attention to the building.

“This could be a guy called Reynard Durand. He worked for Rudi. Muscle mostly.” Callum eyed Tessa. “You heard of him?”

She shook her head. “I’ll look into it.”
