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“Good,” was all Ryan said.

The streets of London zoomed past them in a kaleidoscope of neon lights. They drove through Westminster past the many generic office blocks that housed the worker bees of the British government. The office streets were quiet, but that changed as soon as they hit Westminster Abbey. The streets around the Abbey, Parliament Building and Big Ben were crowded with tourists. Dimitri’s eyes skirted the black depths of the Thames to focus on the clock tower that watched over the city. Each minute that ticked on the ornate dial was one more minute his sister was trapped.

They swung a left along the river, watching the large wheel of the London Eye move slowly through the night. So many people, going about their business, getting home from work, or off to dinner. Visiting with friends or sightseeing. None of them aware of the evil lurking at the edges of their lives. It all seemed so ordinary, so pedestrian, when all Dimitri could think of was his sister. All he could see when he looked out at the picture postcard views was Katrina’s face. All he could hear was her cry for help. For his help.

“We’re nearly there.” Ryan’s voice cut through his thoughts and Dimitri realised he had a death grip on the steering wheel. They’d driven under Jubilee Bridge and were coming up on the Savoy, but he didn’t think that was what Ryan meant. Ryan confirmed it when he said, “She’ll be home soon.”

Yeah, she’d be home soon. Dimitri wouldn’t allow for anything else. He pulled into the hotel, yet another building with a clock atop it that mocked him with how long he’d taken to find his sister. He threw his car keys at the valet and entered the hotel. The glitz and glamour of the building, with its Art Deco details and marble columns, hit him as painfully out of place. He wasn’t there to enjoy his time in London. He was there to plan a rescue mission for his sister. Somehow, knowing that made the chandeliers feel like an insult.

They rode the elevator in silence and when they entered the suite, they were greeted by the rest of the team, plus two welcome additions.

“Lake.” Dimitri shook the ex-SAS specialist’s hand. “Thanks for coming.”

“No need for thanks. You’re a member of the team.”

Dimitri had been a member of a team all of his adult life. This was different. This was more. It was family. He nodded his thanks before turning to the giant American flanking Lake.

“Grunt.” He held out his hand and it was instantly swallowed by the man mountain’s.

With this one act, coming down from Scotland to help him find his sister, the men had earned his loyalty. Any thought of leaving Lake Benson’s team after he’d retrieved his sister was gone. He was now a Benson Security guy for life.

“Claire?” he asked the giant.

“She’s covered.” Grunt folded his meaty arms, obviously having decided that was all he had to say on the matter.

“With the threat of Abramovich removed, it was safe to leave her with a couple of my guys,” Lake added. “Anyway, seemed like you lot needed a hand down here.”

Dimitri nodded as he felt Megan sidle up to him. He normally would have laughed at her effort to appear unconcerned and casual—instead he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her tight against him.

“Freaking caveman,” she muttered as she thumped a fist on his chest. But there was no force behind it and she didn’t try to pull away.

Grunt looked between Dimitri and Megan, his brow furrowed in thought. When he’d come to a conclusion, he looked Dimitri straight in the eye.

“Hurt her, you pay.”

There was no need to say anything else—the Hulk would be able to take him with one well-placed punch.

“Grunt!” Megan tried to step away from him, presumably to give her brother-in-law grief. Dimitri didn’t let her go. He needed the comfort of having her in his arms. Just for a moment. This moment. It didn’t deter Megan. She shouted at Grunt anyway. “You can’t go all King Kong on me. I’m not your wife. Butt out of my life, ape face, or you’ll regret it.”

Grunt stared at Megan, his face unreadable, then he looked back at Dimitri. There was no need for words, it was clear the threat still stood.


that’s it.” Megan struggled to get free. “I’ve had enough of bossy men. I’m going to teach you a lesson, Grunt Dayton.”

The woman obviously had a death wish.

“See what I mean?” Joe said to Dimitri. “No fear.” He shook his head in wonder as he stared at Megan.

Lake’s lips twitched in his approximation of a smile. “We ready to get this show on the road?”

“Definitely.” Dimitri felt Megan still beside him.

She looked up at him, fire in her blue eyes. “I’ve got your back.”

He kissed her forehead. Crazy woman.

His crazy woman.
