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Of course. “Me for Katrina.” Megan felt a strange calm come over her. It made perfect sense. The only possible outcome from Durand’s actions.


“I’ll do it.” There was no hesitation. No second thoughts. She would do this and more for the man she loved. And she did love him. It was a calm knowing. Dimitri was in her heart and she would sacrifice the rest of herself for him. Just as she knew he would for her.

“You sure?” There was no judgement in the question.


Dimitri’s sister had been through hell, she had to come home. And Megan knew this was her fault. All of it. There was no getting around it. If she hadn’t shot Durand in Scotland, he wouldn’t be obsessed with getting to her. He wouldn’t have taken Katrina and Dimitri would have rescued his sister in Rabat.

“Durand wants to trade at six.” Callum’s voice was soft, but even.

Megan picked up on the significance of the time instantly. “Half an hour before the rest of the guys get back.”

“Aye.” His gentle Scottish accent was soothing to her.

“What do you need me to do?” Her stomach spasmed. She placed a hand flat on it and hoped Callum didn’t notice.

“I need you to do what you’re told.”

She nodded once. It was a promise. “Point me at them, boss.” Then a stab of loss as she remembered he was no longer her boss. “I mean…”

His hand covered hers. “You got it right the first time. When this is over, you’re going to be Benson Security’s first official trainee. Think you can hack it?”

Her answer was a weak smile.

“Okay.” Callum stood. “Let’s get to work.”

Dimitri watched Lake’s unreadable face as he spoke with Callum. The roar of the plane’s engines drowned out what Lake was saying, making Dimitri’s imagination run riot. The only clue he had that things were bad was the way Lake’s knuckles whitened as he clutched the arm of his chair.

He glanced across the aisle to where Grunt and Joe were seated. They faced each other, each man looking equally out of place in the plush cream interior. A small table between them held forgotten bottles of water. Their eyes were also on Lake’s face. Dimitri focused on breathing evenly while he waited for Lake to finish.

Lake didn’t make them wait to find out what he’d been told. “Durand contacted Megan. He wants to exchange her for Katrina at six this morning.”

Dimitri’s hearing was momentarily blocked out by a ferocious rushing sound, followed closely by the rapid thud of his heart.

“No.” The word shot from his mouth. “No.”

Grim faces stared at him, each one as angry and frustrated as he was.

“No.” He didn’t realise until that moment that he wasn’t vetoing the exchange, he was saying no to the horror of it. No, he couldn’t exchange one woman he loved for another. No. This wasn’t a choice. It wasn’t. He loved them both. He loved his sister. He loved Megan. His vision blurred. He loved Megan. He tested the words with his tongue and knew them to be true. He loved the crazy, fearless woman. Damn it to hell. No. No exchange. No choosing. Just no.

“Other options?” His voice was dark and rusty.

“The meet’s in forty minutes,” Lake said. “We’re an hour and ten minutes from London. There are no other options.”

“No!” He surged to his feet, followed quickly by Joe. His hand clamped on Dimitri’s shoulder.

“Callum and Ryan are there.” It was unsaid that both men would stand in front of a bullet to save the women.

Dimitri put his hands on his hips and stared at the roof of the cabin. White plastic, it was all that was between him and death. White plastic. What was between Megan and death? Katrina and death? He wanted to punch a hole through the white plastic. A hole to symbolise his endless frustrated need to protect them. A hole where his heart would be if they didn’t make it. If Megan didn’t make it.

“You okay?” Joe squeezed his shoulder.

Dimitri nodded. He wasn’t okay, but he was contained. For now. Joe relaxed slightly, but he didn’t sit until Dimitri took his seat again.

“What’s the plan?” Dimitri asked Lake.
