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Unfortunately, her feet had stopped working too. Her eyes however, were still very much functional. And they were glued to the most perfect set of abdominal muscles she’d ever seen. Was that an eight-pack? Was that even possible? Her fingers itched to trace over his muscles and make sure her math was correct. Perfect olive skin was tight against well-defined pecs, and there was a smattering of hair between his nipples.

Oh. My. Goodness.

It was possible she might faint and die right then and there.

“Your turn to start.” Joe’s rumbling baritone broke the trance his chest had put her into.

Julia eyed the bedroom door again. Maybe if she ran really fast, she could hide in the closet before he even noticed she was missing.

“Pick up your cards and play,” Joe said.

Without even thinking about it, she followed his order. Her eyes flickered to his. “I’m sorry I made you strip. It was wrong of me.” Especially seeing as she would die if he asked her to do the same.

“Oh, I don’t know. I kind of like the look you have on your face right now. I’d say it was very right of you. Now play your card.”

Dragging her attention from the half-naked Joe, Julia slapped her card down, keeping her eyes glued to the growing pile. She saw the double queens a split second before Joe’s big hand smacked down on them.

“Are you cheating?” She glared at him, forgetting for once that this man made her more nervous than a mouse at a cat show.

“How can you cheat at snap?” He folded his arms, bringing her attention right back to his chest. A chest topped with shoulder muscles that made her mouth water.

With great effort, she pulled her gaze away and stared at the table instead. “I’m watching you, Joe Barone. I usually do better at this game. There’s something going on here.”

“Do you normally play with five-year-olds?”

That didn’t even merit a reply. “What’s the boon this time?”

“A kiss.”

Electricity sparked between them. And it suddenly became hard to breathe. Julia could still remember the last kiss they’d shared. It haunted her dreams. There were times she was certain she could still feel his lips pressed against hers. She wasn’t sure she would survive another one.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she whispered.



He cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah, tell me why it’s a bad idea?”

Because you terrify me. Because you’re too gorgeous to be interested in me. Because you might think you want to start something with me, but it’s only a matter of time until you get fed up with my weird personality. Because…

“Julia, you have to answer out loud or I can’t hear you.”

“I told you we aren’t suited.”

“And I told you that I wanted to try. You promised to think about it. You’ve had enough time to come to a conclusion.”

No, she hadn’t. It was all she’d thought about for weeks. And she kept coming up against the same dilemma—if she started something with Joe, she’d end up getting hurt, and she wasn’t sure her heart could cope with it.

“Baby.” He leaned towards her, mere inches away. The heat from his body drew her like a warm open fire. “Tell me you don’t want to kiss me and I’ll choose another boon.”

Julia almost lost herself in those chocolate-coloured eyes, but she didn’t say a word. She couldn’t. Because she wanted nothing more than to feel Joe’s lips on hers again. Even though she knew it was a very bad idea. Even though she knew there was nothing inside her that could deal with this man. Even though she knew he could destroy her. She still wanted his kiss.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he whispered.

As though in slow motion, he closed the gap between them. Julia’s eyes fluttered shut as his lips touched hers. Joe. His touch was teasing, and Julia found herself leaning into it. Soft, firm lips brushed over hers as his hand clasped into the hair at the back of her head. When he nibbled softly at her lower lip, she heard a small, needy moan escape. Joe made a rumbling sound in reply, as his tongue teased the seam of her lips. There was no fighting it. Julia didn’t hesitate to open her mouth for him.

His head angled and he deepened the kiss. Julia felt hot, firm muscle under her fingertips and realised her hands were on him. His scent, that masculine aroma of spice and musk, was like a drug to her senses. He tasted of coffee and Joe. He tasted of pleasure she’d never imagined. Pleasure that equally terrified and tempted.
