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“I was so worried,” she said against his throat, breathing in the scent that was only Joe.

A large hand ran down her back. “We’re okay, baby. You can rest easy now.”

Julia leaned back to look up at him. “Ed?”

His face became stone, his eyes dark pools of pain. “He’s dead.”

“Oh, Joe,” she whispered, devastated at the news of the man she’d grown fond of. The man she’d thought was a friend.

She wrapped her arms back around him, giving what comfort she could. He stroked her back and nuzzled at her temple.

“Oi, lovebirds.” Ryan appeared beside them. “You’re blocking the path to the bar.”


sp; Julia looked around her and blushed. She was greeted by several smiling faces. And then she remembered she was supposed to be in hiding. “Oh, no. We were trying not to attract attention.”

“Yeah,” Ryan said. “Well, that’s the way to do it. Come on. We need to get the other two witches.”

“Hey!” Julia smacked him on the chest. Her eyes went wide, and she wasn’t sure who was more astonished, her or Ryan.

He grinned wickedly. “Would you prefer I call you Charlie’s Angels instead?”

“Next time,” Joe said, “hit him harder.”

When they got back to Elle and Patricia, Julia beamed. “Joe’s okay.”

“So I see.” Her gran gave her an indulgent smile.

“So am I,” Ryan said. “In case anyone was wondering.”

Patricia looked behind Joe. “Where are Callum and Ed?”

Julia tensed and felt Joe do the same.

“Callum’s back at the new hotel. We’ll fill you in on everyone and everything when we get there.” Ryan made a circular gesture with his finger. “The walls have ears. Pack up, ladies.” He looked at Joe. “Have I got time to get some burgers to go?”


“You are a crap partner.” Ryan pouted, his eyes on a plate loaded with a burger and fries that was being carried to a table near them.

“You can get food at the hotel,” Julia said. For some reason, she wanted to pat him. As though he was a puppy.

“Bet it won’t be as good.” He let out a heavy sigh.

Patricia stepped out of the booth and tapped Ryan on the shoulder. “They deliver.” She pointed to a sign over the bar. “Pick up a card on the way out and order from the hotel.”

His grin was blinding. “If I were twenty years older, I’d run away with you, Patty.” He headed towards the bar and the takeaway menus.

“Patty?” Joe asked, his lips quirking.

Gran shook her head. “That boy has the cheek of a teenager.”

“Let’s go.” Still holding Julia’s waist, Joe aimed them for the door. “Keep together. Follow our lead. The hotel’s only a couple of blocks from here, and it’s busy outside. We’ll blend with the other tourists until we get where we need to be.” He stopped beside a woman wearing a grey fleece beanie and spoke to her. As Joe dug into his pocket, the woman smiled and took off her hat. She handed it to Joe and he handed her money. In turn, he gave the hat to Elle. “Cover the blue hair.”

Elle looked at the grey beanie in disgust. “What if she has lice?”

“What if you get dead because you’re the only person in Cusco with luminous blue hair?”
