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She blinked up at him, wishing he was less handsome, less intense, less open about his feelings. Less everything. He overwhelmed her just by being him.

“This can’t work,” she said. “You must see that.”

“What I see is a beautiful, interesting woman who’s trying to throw away the best thing that’s ever happened to her because she’s scared.”

Julia sucked in a breath. “Not scared. Realistic. We have no future.”

He leaned closer, his musky scent enveloping her. “See, here’s the thing: you’re wrong. You aren’t thinking straight because you don’t see yourself properly. And to a guy like me, that isn’t a deterrent, it’s a challenge. I’m just gonna have to hound you until you see things my way.”

“Joe! You can’t ignore what I’m telling you.”

“I can if you’re talking garbage.”

Julia wanted to stamp her foot and scream. He had to be the world’s most stubborn and infuriating man.

“Jules.” He leaned in to whisper against her ear, making her shiver. “I love you. I’m not going to give up on you, or on us. It’s not how I’m made. I’ve got patience, baby. I’ll wait however long it takes for you to believe that I see all of you and I love every weird little inch. Consider me your shadow until you see reason.”

“That’s stalking!” She pushed at his chest. Although admittedly it wasn’t much of an effort.

“You say potato, I say potahto. I consider it perseverance.”

“What am I going to do with you?” She wanted to lash out in exasperation.

His smile was sensually wicked. “Oh, I can think of a few things.”

Julia felt her cheeks heat. “Stop it. Even if I somehow miraculously managed to believe that you wouldn’t go running sometime in the future when you realise that I’ll never change, there’s still your job. You are the man who runs into a burning building. I’m the woman who runs away from it. I honestly don’t think I can cope with watching you leave time and again and never knowing if it will be the last time I see you.” She shook her head. “I can’t do it. I can’t.”

“You know,” Joe said, suddenly very serious, “this gig isn’t forever. I never planned to work in the field long-term. It was one of the reasons I got out of the Marines. This kind of life is bad for relationships. For family.” His voice lowered, making her heart race. “And I want a family, Julia.”

She forgot how to breathe. He couldn’t mean…?

“I talked to Callum about moving into a training and project management role once we have more staff on board. So”—he stepped even closer until their bodies were touching—“you don’t need to worry about losing me every time I leave on a mission, because there won’t be any more missions.”

Her eyes went wide. “I can’t let you give up your career for me.”

“Babe,” he said against her lips, holding her gaze with a look that was searing, “don’t you know I’d do anything for you?”

“You’ll resent me.” Her words a whisper against his lips.

“Never.” It was a vow. “I want you more than anything. I’m not giving up on adventure, baby—I’m just starting a new one. With you.” He brushed his lips against hers. “If you’ll let me.”

“Why won’t you listen to me? Why won’t you see reason? You’re driving me crazy.”

“Good.” And then he kissed her.

A slow, teasing, sensual kiss that stole her mind and left her breathless. When he pulled away, he rested their foreheads together.

“Mine,” he declared. “You’re mine.”

And then he walked away, heading for Callum in the corner of the room and leaving her weak-kneed watching after him. He moved like a predator, all lean muscle and powerful grace.

“I remember that look.” Her gran broke into her thoughts and made her aware that she was standing mooning after Joe.

“I do too.” Alice sounded wistful. “It meant someone was going to get lucky.”

“Alice!” Julia felt her cheeks burn as she said to her gran, “Why won’t he listen to me?”

“Because you’re talking rubbish, dear.”
