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“Don’t move,” he ordered them.

Then, keeping the gun pointed in their direction, he looked down at Ray. “You like to hit women, Ray? You liked hitting my woman.”

“Fuck off,” Ray said as he held his thigh.

“Wrong answer.” Callum pointed the gun at him. “Hands up above your head, flat on the floor, or I put a bullet in the other leg.”

Ray cursed, his face turning red, but he put his hands on the floor. Callum didn’t hesitate—using the strength of his prosthetic leg, he stamped on both hands, satisfied when he heard the crunch of bones.

“That should stop you punching women.” He looked down at the sobbing Ray, who held his hands against his chest. “But if I ever hear that you’ve done it again, I’ll come back and smash the rest of you. Are we clear?”

Ray only whined, and Callum took that as a yes. He stepped over Ray and into the room. “Which one of you two is Eddie?”

There was silence.

“Should I just shoot both of you?”

“Him, it’s him.” One of the guys pointed at the other.

“Johnny, you fucking coward,” Eddie said before looking back at Callum. “Who are you and what do you want?”

“Well, that’s easy, Eddie.” Callum pointed the gun at Eddie’s head. “I’m Isobel Sinclair’s man, and I want to put a bullet where your brain should be.”

There was the unmistakable stench of urine, and a wet patch appeared on the front of Johnny’s trousers.

“I’ll keep away from her,” Eddie said, tripping over his words.

“Now, why don’t I believe you?” Callum stepped closer. “You told her to pay you with sex.”

“It was a joke.” The weasel started to sweat.

Callum looked at Johnny. “Does he normally ask for sex?”

Johnny nodded, and Eddie’s face turned into a mask of pure menace that promised retribution. In Eddie’s tiny pond, he was the one to fear. But Callum wasn’t a local fish. Callum was a shark.

He lifted his foot and slammed it into Eddie’s crotch, using all the force of his bionic leg. A high-pitched whine escaped Eddie, he grasped what was left of his dick and keeled over, landing in a heap on the floor. Callum wiped Ray’s gun and pressed it into Eddie’s hand. With Eddie’s finger on the trigger, Callum pointed at the man’s foot and shot. The scream was piercing.

Callum looked at Johnny. “If you want to live, leave now.”

He ran, dropping the glass of whisky onto the carpet as he did so.

Callum pulled out his phone. “I’d like to report gunshots,” he said to the police, and rattled off the address before hitting the end button. He leaned into Eddie. “This is your last warning. Go near any of the Sinclair sisters again and I will cut off your dick and staple it to your door. And, if the cops ask, I was never here. Ray kicked you, you shot him and then, being a stupid bastard, you shot yourself. I don’t know how Ray’s hands got smashed. You can make that part up.”

He turned from the writhing man, stepped over Ray and left the apartment. Nobody stopped him on the way to his car, and he was pleased to see it was still in one piece. As he opened the door, he heard sirens. The cops could sift through Eddie’s paperwork and deal with him and his henchman. Callum knew that there was e

nough evidence lying around Eddie’s flat to put him away for a very long time. His source in Eddie’s team had made sure there would be.

Callum put the car in gear and pointed it south.

It was time to go back to work.

It was time to head home to London.


ISOBEL HAD NEVER BEEN TO London before. She’d never been anywhere. The farthest she’d travelled was Glasgow. It’d been three miserable weeks since she’d let Callum walk out of the hospital. Three weeks to think about her life and what she wanted to do with it. Three weeks of camping in Agnes and Mairi’s living room while the police went over the debris of her home. Three. Long. Miserable. Weeks.

And now she stood in front of Benson Security’s London office, their very grand London office, and wondered what the heck she was doing. There hadn’t been a single word from him. Nothing. Of course, she hadn’t contacted Callum either, but still, the fact he hadn’t even been in touch to find out if there was a baby or not worried her. Did it mean she’d missed her chance and he didn’t want her anymore? She wouldn’t blame him. She came with a lot of baggage.
