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“Right.” Callum stood. “If nobody has anything to add, we’re done here. Ryan, you’re staying at TayFor until the blackmailer’s found. Your priority is to keep your ears and eyes open, and to watch Rachel’s back.”

“Why me?” Ryan asked no one in particular.

“Elle, Harry, get us something to go on,” Callum continued. “I’ll set the bastard in the basement free once I’ve had another wee word with him. In the meantime, you can all get back to work.” He looked at Rachel. “Except you.”

As the room cleared, Harvard leaned in to whisper, “Do you want me to stay?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.”

With a nod, he headed for the door. He closed it quietly behind him, leaving only the three partners behind.

“Are you going to try to talk me out of this?” Rachel asked Lake and Callum.

“Hell no,” Callum said. “Do I look like an idiot? I’m more than happy to find out what life will be like around here without you arguing about every bloody little thing.”

Lake’s lips twitched as his icy blue eyes met hers. “You sure this is what you want?”

“Yes.” Did he expect her to break down in tears about leaving Benson Security? She’d felt more upset when she missed a hair appointment.

“Okay,” he said. “But remember this. We’re like the mob. Once you’re accepted into our ranks, you can never leave.”

“Unfortunately, he’s right,” Callum said. “We’re family. Whether you like it or not. Expect to see a whole lot more of us until your blackmailer’s behind bars. Or buried. Because you don’t leave family hanging when they need you. Isn’t that right, Rachel?”

If he was referring to the times she’d pulled his head out of his backside and forced him to stop feeling sorry for himself, then he was wrong. That wasn’t about family. It was about having had enough of his endless self-pity. Honestly, the man had plenty going for him but was too damn stubborn to see it. Somebody had to shake him hard. Now that he had Isobel, there was no need to keep an eye on him. Isobel wouldn’t suffer through his introspection any more than Rachel had.

“Are we finished here?” She stood and picked up her bag. Although she was just being polite, as she’d already decided it was past time to leave.

“Yeah,” Lake said with a rare genuine smile that almost blinded her for a second.

“I’m going back to bed.” Callum strode from the room.

When Rachel followed him out, she ran straight into Elle, Julia, and Isobel.

Elle held up her phone. “She’s here,” she said to whoever was on the line.

“I hear you’re getting married.” Megan Raast’s voice burst from the speaker, making Rachel groan. Megan and her husband were on bodyguard duty in the Middle East, and she’d hoped to avoid the reckless Scot’s opinion on her life, but Elle had blown that. “Do vampires get married? Isn’t that illegal or something?”

“You’re so brave when you’re miles away,” Rachel drawled.

“So, who’s organizing your bachelorette party?” Megan carried on as though Rachel hadn’t said a word. “It’s me, isn’t it?”

“Over my dead body.”

“Perfect,” Megan said blithely. “And as for bridesmaid dresses, if you choose pink, I will hurt you.”

“It would clash with my hair,” Elle said helpfully.

“I suit pink,” Isobel said.

“I didn’t ask any of you to act as bridesmaids,” Rachel pointed out.

“Aw, it’s okay,” Megan said, sounding far too amused. “We wouldn’t embarrass you by making you ask. Just consider it a given. We’re more than happy to be part of your wedding. Aren’t we, girls?”

The idiots nodded.

“And,” Megan carried on, obviously enjoying herself, “Friday night get-togethers are still happening, as soon as I’m back in town and able to organize you lot. Which means you might want to warn Harvard. Because as long as you have the best apartment and a private pool, we’re meeting at your place.”

“I keep telling you,” Rachel said. “I don’t want to get together on Fridays. Or any other day. Why do you insist on harassing me like this?”
