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Lauren paused to catch her breath. “Do you think we can go back inside and get a seat? It’s hotter than I expected and I’m in desperate need of a glass of water.”

It was probably about seventy degrees and the humidity was low.

“Of course.”

The hostess, a petite redhead, showed them to their table. “We’re expecting one more,” Mimi said.

“Right.” She handed them their menus. Before she left, she leaned down to whisper loudly in her ear, “For what it’s worth, Mrs. Mayor, I don’t believe any of those rumors about the chief and Cindy. I’m one hundred percent on Team Mimi!”

“Gee, thanks,” Mimi said.

Lauren took a large sip of water. “Team Mimi, huh? How much longer is this thing between you and Zeke going to go on?”

“He wants to go back to counseling,” Mimi admitted.

“That’s good, right?” Lauren said enthusiastically.

“I suppose. But it didn’t work last time, so unless Zeke really opens up, then I don’t see how it will make a difference this go around.”

Before Lauren could respond, Allie came rushing over to the table. She gave them both a kiss on the cheek before sitting down to open her menu with a flourish. “I’m starving! But what else is new?”

Mimi was glad to see her sister-in-law so happy. She was determined not to spoil Allie’s day with any glum talk of her and Zeke, so she put on her best face and pulled out her planning book. “Why don’t we order some champagne?” she suggested.

Allie’s face split into a grin. “Good idea!”

“I’m feeling just a little under the weather,” Lauren said, “So I think I’ll stick to my water.”

Allie was too absorbed in the menu to catch on, but Mimi couldn’t help but smile. Lauren and Nate had only been married a few months, but it was more than plenty of time to achieve what Mimi suspected.

The waiter came by and took their orders. Allie dug into the bread basket.

“So, I was thinking, if we plan the wedding for let’s say, two p.m., we could do a late lunch in the banquet room, then maybe some dancing? And we can end the afternoon with everyone on the deck to watch the sun coming down over the gulf? Do one last champagne toast and send the happy couple off into the sunset?”

“I love the idea of ending the reception on the deck!” Allie said. “And I know Tom will love it, too.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Lauren said wistfully. Her blue eyes looked suspiciously moist.

“Oh, honey,” Allie said, reaching out for Lauren’s hand. “What’s wrong? Is this because you and Nate eloped?”

“Oh, no, not that,” Lauren said, using the side of her ring finger to blot the tear rolling down her cheek. The diamond in her engagement ring was so big it could be used to send out SOS signals if she was ever in trouble. “I loved my wedding to Nate. It was exactly the way we wanted it. Just Henry and Momma and Daddy and Nate’s mom and Lanie. Not that I wouldn’t have wanted friends there, but I was grateful that Daddy was himself that day. It meant so much to me and Nate that he was able to give me away.”

Lauren’s father had Alzheimer’s disease and it was progressing at a steady rate. Mimi, along with the rest of Lauren’s friends had been sad not to have been able to attend the wedding, but the important thing was that Lauren’s daddy had been cognizant enough to enjoy the day.

“Mimi, you’ve never told me much about your wedding. Did your dad make a big fuss when he gave you away?” Lauren asked.

“Actually, Zeke and I were married twice. The first time was at the courthouse a few months before Claire was born, so it wasn’t much of a ceremony. Momma and Daddy were there, Luke was, too, and of course, Zeke’s grandmother and Allie. But it was more of a stand around and listen to the justice of the peace kind of thing.”

“I remember afterward we all went out to dinner and I got sick from eating so much cake.” Allie made a face.

“And the second time?” Lauren asked.

“The second time was a couple of years later when Father Murphy married us. Zeke really wanted us to get married in the Church, so I converted. It was just the two of us, that time. Quick and simple.” For some women, it might have been a sore spot, but it had never bothered her that she hadn’t had a big wedding with all the flowers and all the fuss. She’d been in love and that was all that had mattered.

“So, who’s in the wedding party?” Lauren asked Allie. Henry was Tom’s best man, a gesture Mimi personally found adorable. And Mimi was the matron of honor, but other than that, Mimi wasn’t aware that Allie had asked anyone else.

“Just Henry and Mimi. And of course, Zeke will be giving me away. Small and simple, that’s what we want.”

Lauren nodded, then hesitated briefly. “Maybe I shouldn’t bring this up, but…did you ever find out what happened to your dad? I know he took off after your mom died, but…all these years, has he ever been in touch?”
