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Mimi tried to keep the express

ion on her face neutral.

“You know, I asked Zeke about that just the other day,” Allie said. “As far as he’s concerned our dad is dead, and I don’t blame him. I mean, if he wanted to get in touch with us it would be pretty easy. Zeke’s lived all his life here and now I’m the editor of the paper. Just about everyone in town knows us, so…I don’t know, either’s he dead or he just doesn’t care. Probably the latter.” She smiled ruefully and reached out for another piece of bread.

Lauren smiled sympathetically. “Well, it’s his loss.”

Only, it was Allie’s loss, too. If Allie was given the choice, if Sam Grant was in her life right now, would she choose to turn him away? Or despite all their history, would she want her own father to give her away at her wedding? The fact that Allie didn’t have that choice to make made Mimi tighten her grip on the menu.

“Have you given any thought to your dress?” Lauren asked. “Or Mimi’s?” She took a sip of her water and caught Mimi’s gaze over the top of the glass. Careful not to rouse Allie’s suspicion, Mimi winked back at her.

“Not really,” Allie admitted. “I know the wedding is just a few months away, but I thought Mimi could pick out her own dress. Something nice but off the rack so you can wear it again?” She shuddered. “You know that movie 27 Dresses with Katherine Heigl?” They both nodded. “Yeah, well, that’s me and I would hate to saddle Mimi with something hideous.”

They all laughed.

“As for my own dress, I have absolutely not a clue. I know you and Zeke offered to pay for everything,” Allie said to Mimi, “but honestly, I think you should let me pay for my own gown.”

“We’ve already been through this, you know Zeke isn’t going to let you do that.”

“The thought of spending hundreds of dollars on a dress gives me the shingles. There’s just so much more I could do with that kind of money.”

“Why don’t I take a day off, say…next week and we can go look together?” Mimi suggested. Hopefully, by then, Lauren would have an idea of how she could alter the dress and they could present it to Allie, who hopefully would love it, making the shopping trip completely unnecessary.

“Sure, that sounds great,” Allie said.

“You know, Allie, I have a belated engagement gift for you,” Lauren said.

“You didn’t have to buy me anything!”

“I didn’t. It’s something I offered you once before.”

“My grandmother’s old record player? Are you sure, because I know how much you like it and I—”

“It belonged to your abuela. Once I realized that, I always meant to give it to you. Besides, it was a great novelty piece when I had the retro boutique, but now the building is more a factory than anything else, so I don’t really have a use for it.”

All three women went silent and smiled at one another. Mimi was positive they were all thinking the same thing. About a year and a half ago Lauren had found the old fashioned turn table along with a collection of albums from the sixties at a garage sale. The record player had been broken, but Tom had fixed it with a thorough cleaning. Playing the albums in her shop had given the place more of a nostalgic feel. But the sixties music had done something else as well. No one wanted to say it out loud, but Allie swore there was a time when she was able to hear that music in her head.

Strangely, it was hearing that music that helped her and Tom get back together. Allie liked to think that it was Buela reaching out to communicate with her. Lauren firmly believed in the idea as well. Mimi wasn’t so sure, although anything was possible.

“If you’re positive you don’t want it anymore, then, yes, I’d love to have it,” Allie said, leaning over to give Lauren a swift hug.

The waiter brought them the bottle of champagne that Mimi had ordered and poured them all a glass. Lauren abstained, just like she’d said she would.

Mimi took a sip of the cold bubbly brew. “Now that all that’s settled, let’s talk about Lauren’s pregnancy.”

Allie gasped and Lauren’s jaw dropped.

“My what?” Lauren said when she was able to speak again.

“You broke out into a sweat earlier in the parking lot. And now your skin is glowing. You’re crying for no reason at all. You aren’t drinking champagne, and frankly, even though you have the best boobs ever, somehow they’ve managed to get even perkier. If all that doesn’t add up to you being a new baby momma then I don’t know what does.”

Lauren flushed, then giggled. “Okay, but please, don’t tell anyone yet. Nate and I want tell Henry first.”

“Our lips are sealed,” Mimi promised.

“Oh, God, this is awesome!” Allie said. “I’m getting married, you’re having a baby, and Mimi…well, Mimi’s mayor.”

It wasn’t what Mimi had expected Allie to say, but she was grateful that the topic of Zeke wasn’t involved. She was about to offer up her own toast when out of the corner of her eye she noticed the busboy clearing the table next to them. He was on the tall side and wore thin wire rim glasses. He seemed oddly familiar. Where did she know him from?
