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“I’m sorry if I interrupted something. I can come back later.”

“No need,” Jenna said. “I have to go. I have about a thousand things to do before I officially start work next week.” She gave him a brief look over but it was more out of curiosity than feminine interest. “I hope to see you around sometime.”

“Likewise,” he said.

She was barely out the door when Mimi said, “That went well, wouldn’t you say?”


“Jenna! She’s mom’s new big hope for you. Pretty, isn’t she? She kind of reminds me of Bryce Dallas Howard. Plus, she’s smart and ambitious. Victoria 2.0, really.”

“You’re kidding, right? And since we’re talking about my love life here, you have to help me get out of this mother’s preschool thing.”

“That’s the preschool fund-raiser. Mom called bright and early to volunteer you. And I’m not going to lift a finger to help you get out of it, because I suggested it in the first place.”

“Why the hell would you do that? And why is Mom telling everyone that Victoria dumped me?”

“She thought it would elicit the sympathy factor. Not that you need anyone feeling sorry for you, but, you know Mom. And as for volunteering you for the silent auction…” Mimi shook her head. “After last night, you totally deserve that.”

He started to protest but she cut him off. “What were you thinking announcing Victoria’s engagement like that during dinner? Don’t you think a little advance notice might have worked better?”

“I tried to tell everyone yesterday, but no one had time.”

“So you thought telling us at dinner was better? And in front of a guest? Poor Sarah! She looked absolutely mortified.”

“Poor Sarah can take care of herself, thank you.”

“I know that, but still. Honestly, Luke, I don’t feel sorry for you in the least. Did you really think Mom would take the news about Victoria lying down? You’re her precious boy child and you’re single. Which, in her mind, means you’re lonely. It’s her job to make sure you end up like the rest of us. Happily and miserably married.”

He stilled. “You and Zeke are miserable?” He’d never approved of his baby sister getting married right out of high school with a baby on the way. Back then, he’d given the marriage a year, tops. But his sister and brother-in-law had proved him wrong.

“Zeke and I are crazy in love, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had our share of problems,” she said vaguely.

He let that go. For now. “Why didn’t you tell me Claire was her class valedictorian? As her uncle, you’d think I’d be given that kind of information.” He sounded like a whiny ass. But he had a right to know these things, didn’t he?

“If it’s any consolation, I didn’t know Claire was her class valedictorian until she got up to the podium to make her speech. And I’m her mother.”

“She didn’t tell you?”

“We were kind in the middle of crisis mode here. Chalk the whole thing up to teenage hormones and thieving ex-city managers. As for her graduation,” Mimi said, “I emailed you about it. Don’t you remember?”

He was ashamed to admit he didn’t. But then, Lori had handled the details of Claire’s graduation. He hadn’t been able to attend the ceremony due to a work conflict. “Did I send a check?” he asked, really hoping that the answer wasn’t just yes, but hell yes.

“A very generous one, thank you. You got Claire’s thank you note, right?”

“I think so,” he said, vaguely recalling a flowery note that included—he pulled out his wallet and took out a picture of his niece in her cap and gown. “Yep. Got it.” He kept a photo of his niece in his wallet, which meant he couldn’t be that terrible of an uncle.

Mimi’s face softened. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve been busy.”

“Apparently too busy for family,” he muttered, sinking down into the chair across from her desk.

“I know how you can make it up to us.”

The tone in her voice should have made him suspicious, but he was feeling like such a shit right now that he didn’t care what she had in mind. “Name it.”

“Next weekend is student orientation at Duke. We were going to take Cameron, but he’d be bored to death. Plus, this is Claire’s time, you know? The whole thing will be so much better if Zeke and I can focus completely on her. Mom and Dad were going to watch Cameron for us, but I think he’d have a better time with you.”

“That’s it? Of course I’ll watch him,” Luke said.
