Page 55 of Someone to Love

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‘Why are you smiling?’ she asked.

‘Nothing, my love, nothing,’ she said hurriedly.

‘Koyal,’ said Arjun, ‘tell me a bit about SunSoft. I’d love to work there someday.’

From the corner of her eye, Koyal saw Atharv stir. She sensed his surprise and a smugness began to creep up inside her.

The Jayakrishnas, the Chandras and Koyal were sitting in the Chandras’ country house in Kent, having a meal to celebrate Mansha’s recovery. Mansha had been allowed to stay up for the dinner, a treat in itself for Hema had cooked her favourite quiche and she had been seated at the head of the table. The little girl had not stopped grinning since the meal began.

‘Koyal?’ Arjun nudged her gently.

‘Oh, yeah, SunSoft. It’s a fabulous place to work at,’ she said and went on to give him more details.

‘So,’ Atharv whispered to her, leaning forward a few minutes later, a look of utter disbelief on his face, ‘you are working at the most reputed company in the world.’

‘You can’t believe it, can you?’ she said, laughing, staring into his eyes which were at the moment wide with genuine but happy surprise.

‘Koyal Hansini Raje, you barely passed an exam without my help, so no, I can’t believe it!’

‘Wonder of wonders,’ said Koyal lightly, enjoying this conversation immensely.

‘What do you do there?’

‘Ah, I work at the reception,’ she said just for the heck of it, giggling to herself, oddly pleased because this was the first time Atharv had mentioned the past.

‘At SunSoft, I imagine they have ten rounds of interviews for reception too.’



‘Eleven rounds,’ said Koyal, laughing, and Atharv joined in too.

‘I’m pleased for you,’ he said, smiling an open, honest smile that made Koyal’s heart feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

‘Well, it’s not brain surgery,’ she said, grinning. ‘Fairly easy to pick a phone,’ and she picked up an imaginary phone, ‘and say, hello, SunSoft London, reception speaking,’ she finished in a mock formal voice before collapsing into giggles.

As Atharv laughed too, Koyal realized that for a few precious minutes, they were back to being Koyal and Atharv from school.

Young, carefree and friends.

Best friends.

A little later when Mansha had been put to bed and the party had moved to the conservatory, the topic took a more serious turn. Arjun began by sharing details of his friend’s divorce and the ugly shades the legal settlement was beginning to take.

‘Oh Koyal,’ he said, without thinking, ‘I heard that you went through a divorce recently?’

Startled at the intrusive question, Koyal’s first reaction was to look at Atharv. His brow was furrowed, his eyes had suddenly turned hard and he was staring intently at his hands.

‘Koyal?’ Arjun inanely persisted.

‘Yes, I did,’ she said simply.

‘If I may ask,’ said Akki who had been silently watching this little scene unfold, ‘why did you divorce your husband?’

Koyal looked up, stunned.

Hema looked like she was ready to hit her husband. ‘No Akki, you may not,’ she said hotly.
